A 23-year-old boy who fights between life and death in Niguarda, a motorcycle and two cars destroyed. This is the number of victims of a terrible car accident that took place on the night of Saturday to Sunday, September 20, in Vi Melzi d’Eril in Milan (Arco della Pace area), the accident victim of a 23-year-old young man.
Everything happened a moment before 4 in the morning, according to the regional emergency company. The exact dynamics of the accident are being examined by the local Milan police, who intervened on site due to the findings, but according to an initial reconstruction it seems that the young man – for reasons yet to be clarified – lost control of the motorcycle and went to hit two cars parked on the side of the road.
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His condition immediately seemed desperate, so much so that Operations Center 118 had dispatched an ambulance and a code-red automated medic to the scene. The 23-year-old, stabilized, was transported with the greatest urgency to Niguarda; According to the leak, he would have suffered various traumas: to the head, shoulder and knee. His condition is critical and the prognosis is reserved.