The coronavirus takes another victim. “Mask in the mouth and head on the shoulders”


An 87-year-old person is the latest victim of covid-19. The person, who died on Saturday, was admitted to the Lugo hospital. “Bad news for our entire community that gathers around their loved ones to whom I have conveyed my condolences – says the mayor of Castel Bolognese, Luca Della Godenza -. Unfortunately this news makes us understand that we must fight against this virus and that we must use all preventive measures to avoid contagion. “

The mayor addresses in particular to “all those who feel invincible in the face of Covid-19, protect yourself to protect your loved ones. Mask on your mouth and head on your shoulders. I ask everyone to scrupulously respect the anti-covid prescriptions “. I pray for those who are no longer here and for those who suffer ”.

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