Roma coach Paulo Fonseca was interviewed by Sky Sport after the draw against Hellas. These are his words:
“It was a difficult week for him, he wanted to keep it. We always talk, today the choice was not to use it ”.
Why did you summon it?
“It was important that he stay at the top of the group and let him play when necessary. There was no need to let him in. “
Two points lost tonight?
“We will see in the end if two points were lost. I think we played to win, a very positive first part. It is not easy to play here, we have created 4-5 scoring chances. In the second half we went down and we did not recover in the second balls to reverse the action. But I think we did a lot of good things, I received positive signals especially in the first half ”.
Did you physically fall in the second half?
“Maybe there was an aggression problem in recovering the second balls. We lost many and took out Verona. The second balls were the main problem ”.
Is Mirante the owner?
“I spoke with Savorani and we chose Antonio, it was a natural choice.”
Didn’t Dzeko want to play?
“No, I decided. I talk to the players, but I decide “
Is it small a necessity or is it enough Kumbulla?
“Yes, for me it is important that it arrives.
“I am not talking about Milik, he is not our player. If it comes I’ll tell you ”.
Is Milik enough or do we need another striker?
Let’s see first if Milik arrives or Dzeko stays ”.
Satisfied with the market?
“Yes, this week the Friedkins were close to the team was important.”
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