In quarantine, with the execution of control swabs, the students in the boy’s class tested positive, his teachers and school operators classified the close contact.
The last 24 hours of activity at the Ulss 1 Dolomiti laboratory highlighted three new positivities:
• a man already isolated due to Covid-type symptoms, manager with his family of a lodging business in the mountain area, in the seasonal closure phase. All family members have been quarantined, business customers, even if they do not qualify as significant contacts, will be monitored, according to protocol;
• a second man, also already isolated due to Covid-type symptoms, who has already been epidemiologically evaluated as possible contact with the previous man;
• a child, positive case family contact, asymptomatic. The epidemiological investigation shows that the minor attended school for only one day: a primary school in the province. Subsequently, as of Tuesday, in relation to the news of the positivity of a relative, the entire family was placed in home isolation. This is the first case of positivity in the school environment with the consequent activation of the planned protocol: the Covid contact person for the Ulss Dolomiti school informed the Covid contact person of the institution involved who provided the Prevention Department with the list of students in the child’s class, their teachers and classified operators in close contact. For this reason, the Prevention Department has ordered quarantine for these subjects, with the execution of control swabs.
Ulss Dolomiti then reports that tampons for symptomatic children, adolescents, and adults attending school have decreased today. In fact, 36 were performed at Belluno and 33 at Feltre for a total of 69 swabs.
In the morning, at the Belluno drive-in, the additional quick-swab session for polling station staff took place. 28 people were analyzed, all negative.