After the case of the positive lawyer who attended the Cedir classrooms, another news arrives to rekindle the fear of contagion

Tension increases again in Reggio Calabria, where the Covid emergency remains at alert levels. And, after the case of the positive lawyer who came to Cedir’s classrooms, another piece of news arrives to rekindle the fear of contagion. Due to the lack of communication, an entire 118 team is still in quarantine awaiting the swab results.
But let’s go in order: last night a call for help arrived at operations center 118. A woman is ill and the daughter calls for an ambulance, communicating that the mother is positive for Coronavirus. Despite the clarification in the diversion of the emergency call the woman’s positivity would not have been reported by the operator and all the equipment came out equipped with standard protection devices, without the protections provided by the protocol in the case of a positive patient such as a diving suit, which includes boots and a cap, FFp3 masks and appropriate gloves.
Obviously, all were equipped with Dpi, but on these occasions the protections are never enough and all the intervening parties are now in home quarantine awaiting the results of the swabs. It was a long and stressful 7 months for the highly reckless 118 staff who faced the emergency on the front lines., often complaining about not having the necessary safeguards. Now we are awaiting the results of the swabs and shedding light on what happened, or the lack of communication from the operator, on which the necessary investigations have already been initiated to understand whether it was a mere human error or not. .