“I have had relationships with politics. Knowledge of politics, confrontation in dating has always existed”, these are the words of Luca palamara that have unleashed a veritable sea of controversy in recent hours. “I have never eluded and I will not elude neither in the procedures nor in all the things to which I will be called, but I ask to be judged calmly”: This is the request of the former president of the National Association of Magistrates before the assembly of the ANM that must rule on the appeal he presented against the expulsion order.
Palamara, who wanted to underline how the Superior Council of the Magistracy has not yet authorized the use of the now famous and scandalous wiretaps carried out during the investigation against him, continued. “I am here because I believe that everyone’s interest comes first, from judicial, to regain the trust of the citizens, and the interest of colleagues who, despite my regret, have been overwhelmed “.
The former president of the ANM feels almost like a victim and speaks without showing that he is aware of the real weight of these interceptions. “I was overwhelmed by the flood and got lost, but I don’t feel like it’s morally unworthy.”, explained to the assembly during his speech, as reported by Dnakronos.
“Until 2008 I did scribacchino of events, first in Reggio Calabria then in Rome. So my position in the political-associative life gave me another role. I lived another life, a life of representation. If I have done good or bad, I cannot say “, he said again, discharging responsibility for his actions in the role he subsequently assumed. “It was a mistake to go back to the Rome prosecutor after the CSM, a mistake to then ask the question as an adjunct. The positions that had deceived me, and the thousands of applications that came to me deceived me ”.
On the conversations extracted from the chats of his smartphone Palamara explained: “I never deleted the messages. The chats resulted in 3 criminal proceedings and 6 disciplinary proceedings”. And frequent Lotti? “In hindsight, I say I shouldn’t have done that”.
“I have had relationships with politics. The knowledge of politics, the confrontation in appointments has always existed ”., said the former president of the ANM in the most delicate part of his speech, specifying, among other things, that the meetings that took place in a Roman hotel with some colleagues, with Cosimo Ferri and former vice minister Luca Lotti to discuss appointments in the CSM superior “they were not illegal immigrants”.
“From devastating statements from Palamara. Let Mattarella intervene”, says Francesco Giro of Forza Italia, as reported by LaPresse. Palamara admitted that: 1) the judiciary is politicized to the core; 2) Ermini wanted by Lotti (and therefore no one has a nose ring from the Democratic Party. But it was obvious. Only the left has the face to appoint a his deputy in office, who also resigns from Parliament with some delay, CSM vice president); 3) appointments only based on current ones, some winning over others. they were cut to ‘flip the cards’. “added Senator Blue. “Words from Palamara. Magistrates outside the current logic worked hard in the basement. The others lived in the judicial media success. What horror”.
In the end, in any case, Palamara’s long speech did not help convince the ANM assembly. It was only in these minutes that the news arrived of the decision of the National Association of Magistrates to reject the appeal presented by the former president against the decision to expel him. Therefore, the resolution of June 20 is confirmed, the Assembly voted “Yes” to theexpulsion of Palamara.