polling stations open tomorrow and Monday, where and how to vote


AGI – Electoral silence, today, waiting for the election day tomorrow and Monday. Citizens are called to vote for complementary to the Senate, the constitutional referendum on the court of parliamentarians, the renewal of seven regional councils and about a thousand municipalities.

Voting takes place in two days: Sunday September 20 and Monday 21. Polling stations are open from 7 to 23 on Sunday and from 7 to 15 on Monday. There are 46,641,856 voters called to express themselves for the constitutional referendum and 18,473,922 those for the regional elections, which involve 6 Regions with ordinary status (Campania, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Tuscany and Veneto) and 1 with special status (Valle d’Aosta). For the supplementary elections of the Senate of the Republic, the persons entitled to vote are 467,122 for Sardinia (plurinominal college 01 – uninominal college 03 Sassari) and 352,696 for Veneto (plurinominal college 02 – uninominal college 09 Villafranca di Verona).

The administrative elections, on the other hand, affect 962 municipalities and involve 5,725,734 voters. The municipalities include several province capitals, including Aosta, Arezzo, Bolzano, Chieti, Crotone, Fermo, Lecco, Macerata, Mantua, Matera, Nuoro, Reggio Calabria, Trani, Trento, and Venice, of which three are also regional capitals. .

For five new municipalities will vote for the first time. These are Borgo d’Anaunia, Novella, San Michele all’Adige and Ville di Fiemme in the autonomous province of Trento and the new municipality of Presicce-Acquarica in the province of Lecce. The municipality of Marcetelli, in the province of Rieti, is the one with the smallest number of voters, only 74, while Venice, with its 200,700 voters, is the largest.

Ballots will be ‘staggered’: the first ballots to be counted are those of the complementary elections, the counting of which will begin on Monday immediately after the closing of the polling stations. It continues with the scrutiny of the constitutional referendum and subsequently, without interruption, the scrutiny of the Regionals will be carried out. The scrutiny of the municipal authorities, however, is postponed from 9 am on Tuesday.

The question printed on the referendum card is: “Approve the text of the constitutional law on ‘Amendments to articles 56, 57 and 59 of the Constitution on the reduction of the number of parliamentarians’, approved by Parliament and published in the Bulletin Official of the Italian Republic No. 240 of October 12, 2019? “. The voter will have to mark the Yes box if they want to confirm the constitutional reform that reduces the parliamentarians from the current 945 to a total of 600 (400 deputies and 200 senators), while they will have to put a sign in the No if they do not want it to enter the reform in force.

No quorum is required for the validity of the constitutional referendum: the referendum result is valid in any case regardless of the percentage of voter participation.
