
The substitute designated by the DS from this year can no longer leave a temporary substitute to accept another until the end of the lessons.
Until the last school year, according to the Regulations for substitutes (art. 8 paragraph 2 Ministerial Decree of 06.13.2007) the teaching staff, in temporary substitution service conferred on the basis of school classifications, had the right, before the 30th of April, let this substitute accept another one always conferred based on school rankings, until the end of the lessons or beyond.
With the entry into force of OM n. 60 of 07.17.2020, things have changed since the aforementioned paragraph 2 of art. 8 of the Regulations for alternates.
According to paragraph 2 of article 14 of the OM mentioned above, the teacher in service for temporary replacement conferred based on school classifications still has the right to leave this replacement, but only for another conferred until August 31 or June 30 on the basis of the GAE or GPS (article 2 paragraph 4 letter a) and b) OM 60/2020.

However, as of this year, the teacher in service for temporary replacement, conferred on the basis of school classifications, no longer has the right to accept, before April 30, another temporary replacement of the school classification referred to. article 2 paragraph 4 lett. C).
For example: the teacher in service for temporary replacement of 20 days. and that ends on October 30, you can no longer leave this substitute to accept another temporary substitute until the end of the lessons or beyond
Normative references: combined provisions of article 2 paragraph 4 letter. a), b), c) and section 2 of article 14 of OM n. 60 of 07.17.20.