QUICK TEST and DO IT YOURSELF for COVID-19. This is WHERE it will be distributed »ILMETEO.it


CORONAVIRUS: QUICK TEST and DO IT YOURSELF for COVID-19. This is WHERE it will be distributed

Quick DIY test to find out the positivity of CORONAVIRUSQuick DIY test to find out the positivity of CORONAVIRUSThe development of a new one is finished.
QUICK TEST and DIY without the need for swab sampling for laboratory analysis. This was announced by the American biotechnology company CELLEX which will soon be commercialized in the United States. But it doesn’t stop there: the interpretation of the result can be done through an application, developed in collaboration with Gauss, a computer company specialized in artificial intelligence systems. The two companies are confident that they will soon be able to bring their test to market. through an emergency approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US federal agency that deals with the safety of drugs and medical devices.

And if so far the test was done with a collection of mucus and saliva, through a BUFFER then analyzed in the laboratory, today things could change. As explained, the TEST developed by Cellex, works differently: instead of looking for the genetic material of the
CORONAVIRUS, goes in search of particular proteins typical of the virus. It is called an “antigen test” because it actually detects the presence of certain foreign substances in our body.

How does the NEW QUICK AND DIY TEST work? In the kit there is a swab that must be passed through the inside of the nostrils, without reaching the deepest parts of the nasal septum. The tampon should then be inserted into a small plastic test tube with a reagent, which after a few minutes should be poured into a tester (a small plastic box). In about 15 minutes, in the changing room some colored lines appear which must be photographed with the application developed by Gauss. The application analyzes the image and provides in a few seconds indications to interpret the result. The idea is to take advantage of the application’s image recognition capabilities to avoid incorrect test readings, especially if the tester lines are not very visible or give a seemingly contradictory result.

However, not everyone is convinced that antigen testing may be a good solution, given the risk of having numerous false negatives. However, according to some observers, suspected cases could only be tested for antigen, compensating with PCR only in the case of negative test results.
