When do you vote for the referendum and the Regionals? Election times and dates


the September 20 and 21, 2020On Sunday and Monday, 46,641,856 million Italian citizens are summoned to the polls to referendum Constitution on reducing the number of parliamentarians in the Chamber and Senate. (Here the reasons of yes or no, with the explanation of how Parliament would change)

The same days are also held regional elections (in Valle d’Aosta, Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, Campania and Puglia: the citizens summoned to the polls are in this case 18,590,081 voters; here all the candidates in the field), municipal (more than a thousand municipalities to vote: here they are) e supplementary(in Veneto and Sardinia).

The seats will be open Sundays from 7 to 23, e Monday from 7 to 15.

The scrutiny will begin from the referendum ballots, starting at 3 pm; once this phase is finished, the scrutiny of the regional elections will begin; Only after 9 on Tuesday will the municipal votes be counted. The first polls and the first screenings will arrive one minute after the official closing of the polls (and you can follow them live in the Corriere: here for the Regionals, here for the Referendum).

To vote, in addition to a document and an electoral card (those who have lost it must contact the electoral offices of their city), it is necessary to bring and wear a mask.

Polling stations must be respected particular security measures: you will not be able to go to the electoral college with a fever higher than 37.5 or symptoms of Covid; hands should be disinfected before entering, before receiving the card and pencil, and preferably after voting; you have to stay one meter away from everyone (and two meters when you have to remove your mask to identify yourself). Access to the voting station will be limited, where possible there will be outside waiting areas.

Those quarantined or positive for Covid had the possibility to report it before September 15, also electronically, to their mayor, accompanying the report with an ASL certificate. To collect the vote will be, for those who request it, an employee with a gown, visor, mask and gloves.

Are configured special seats to allow voting in Covid departments: the cashiers who will work there will have a 50% higher remuneration (here the explanation of how much the cashiers earn, how they are chosen and how they can resign).
