the virus is growing, warn ISS and the Ministry of Health: more precautions in the family, masks and distance remain essential. In the week to September 15, infections were contracted in the national territory (82%), with a decrease in cases imported from abroad. Epidemiological change is consolidating. The signs detected last week of increased transmission in the home / family environment with circulation of the virus even among older people are confirmed. From the Problems and Health Report that Messaggero.it can publish, an evolving picture emerges that requires even more attention.
Covid, peak of infections: hypothesis of the red zone. Problem: “Warning signs”
Covid, the true number of deaths in Istat data for March and April: the figure rises to 19 thousand deaths
In fact, the mean age of diagnosed cases continues to increase (41 years in the follow-up week) and 35% of new cases diagnosed in the follow-up week are over 50 years old. The transmission dynamics of the COVID-19 remain fluid: there are outbreaks associated with recreational activities (unchanged from last week) with a further increase in transmission in the family / home environment (73.6% of all active outbreaks in the follow-up week for which the context probable exposure). What to do in the face of the gradual development of infections, but to a lesser extent than in other countries? Therefore, it is recommended to take all necessary precautions even within the family. Compliance with the prevention and quarantine measures recommended by health authorities remains a crucial and unavoidable element to counteract the spread of infection.
The advices
Maintaining a high level of care and continuing to strengthen contact tracing activities is essential to identify all potential transmission outbreaks early and continue to control the epidemic. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a high awareness of the general population about the worsening of the epidemiological situation and about the importance of continuing to strictly comply with all the necessary measures to reduce the risk of transmission such as individual hygiene, the use of masks and physical distancing. We are always in the presence of important warning signs related to an increase in local transmission, it recommends that the population pay special attention to the risk of contracting the infection in crowded situations in which there is a failure to comply with the recommended measures and during periods of stay. in countries or areas with higher viral circulation. Last update: 11:00 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED