Nicola Zingaretti, president secretary and aspiring grillino, while everyone gives his secretariat in great difficulty as soon as the ballot boxes sanction the debacle of the Democratic Party, meanwhile he even manages to revoke himself.
After affirming on Thursday, responding to a question from “Secolo XIX” about the revocation of the concession to Aspi, that “the Government has decided to revoke it, after a careful evaluation” in the afternoon, he realizes that it has made holes in the potty. And he orders his spokesman to call the newspaper and dictate that in reality “the step on the revocation of the concession to Aspi should be understood as a review of the agreement.” You will agree that it is not exactly the same, not even remotely.
Why this change of course, the readers of the “Century” and all the attentive observers of the game will have wondered. Well, let’s imagine that as soon as he reread his forceful interview, Zingaretti said to himself: “And if someone really read an interview of mine and relaunched the news that the secretary of the Democratic Party confirms that the revocation of the concession is decided, and the title Atlantia loses 20% on the stock market? Those Atlantia bitches will surely not escape the subtle coincidence, and if the revocation does not arrive I get a complaint for manipulation, surely we will lose the elections!
And then stop the comrades, all back! Undoubtedly, a lion’s heart, which in order not to risk taking office, at least once in his life, is revoked.