STILL HOT anomalous, that’s when TEMPERATURES WILL DECREASE – «3B Meteo MAPS


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Partial thermal decline in the next few days
Partial thermal decline in the next few days

HOT ANOMALY HAS THE HOURS COUNTED BUT NOT EVERYWHEREE: after the anticyclonic phase and the African temperatures of the last days, the Atlantic currents try to bring Europe in line with a series of disturbances also destined for part of Italy. The drop in temperatures, given the cloudiness and phenomena, will be physiological but we will not be able to talk about autumn itself yet. In fact there will be some fluctuations and the decrease will not be general for all of Italy, the south of the Peninsula will suffer marginally and if the trend is confirmed in the second part of the week we will have a new thermal surge in the South with values ​​that could jump to the threshold of 35-36 ° C. In the meantime, let’s see a detail for the next few days:

TEMPERATURE SUNDAY: maximum values ​​still well above the average in the Peninsula with peaks of 31-32 ° C in the interior of the Center, in Campania, Puglia and the Greater Islands. Up to 30 ° C in Emilia Romagna, Liguria and north of the Po, values ​​more in line with the period.

Maximum temperatures on Sunday
Maximum temperatures on Sunday

MONDAY TEMPERATURE: the entry of colder Atlantic currents determines a thermal decrease also in the central regions, Sardinia and Campania. Here the highs will be fairly in line with the period, even if above-average local values ​​will hold out. Still hot in Puglia, Calabria and Sicily

High temperatures on Monday
High temperatures on Monday

TEMPERATURE TUESDAY: situation more or less stationary except for a slight and greater decrease in the North, they resist values ​​higher than the average in the Extreme South.

Maximum temperatures Tuesday
Maximum temperatures Tuesday

THE FOLLOWING DAYS: We stayed more or less like this until Thursday, then a new thermal wave is expected in the South due to the arrival of warm siroccal currents.

For more details on the forecast, see the specific weather section in Italy.

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