the car used by the fleeing thieves was found burned


Investigations into the violent robbery perpetrated last Thursday afternoon in Foggia continue apace, where three robbers with their faces covered (plus an accomplice in a car) hit the bar ‘Gocce di caffé’ in via Guido Dorso, seriously injuring to the holder.

The man, Francesco Traiano, 38, is hospitalized in “critical conditions” in the intensive care unit of the Riuniti Polyclinic in Foggia. His condition remains stable, but doctors have not yet determined the prognosis. He is currently in a medically induced coma.

On the research mouths sewn up by the flying squad investigators, who are following the case. In the hours after the robbery, agents conducted a dozen searches against criminals in the area and raided the entire area in search of useful cameras.

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The car used by the thieves recovered: as reported AnsaIt would be a Fiat Punto, almost certainly the product of the robbery, whose body was found burned in the field that surrounds the city.
