takes a naked bath in the fountain in Piazza Repubblica, photos on Facebook


In a few hours on Facebook it has already gone viral, inevitably, collecting hundreds and hundreds of likes (and not only), comments and shares on the page “Brescia that I would not like”. Two photos posted, portraying a man (probably a homeless man, in any case a troubled person) taking a full shower at the fountain in Piazza della Repubblica, not far from the station, so to speak.

The photos would have been taken on Friday afternoon around 3 in the afternoon. The unknown protagonist of the shots is washing from top to bottom, complete with shower gel on the edge of the bathtub, taking advantage of the sprinklers of the fountain as if it were a shower. Fortunately (at least this one) is not nude, but only wears a pair of dark panties.

Comments abound on Facebook

Apparently in the minutes following the photographs he was identified and removed by the men of the Local Police. In the Facebook “comment” the words are mostly charged with indignation, and few take it with irony (just to name a few: there are those who ironically about the celebrations, last year, for the return of Brescia to Series A, and instead recalls the famous scene by Anita Ekberg in “La dolce vita”).

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Beyond the comments, according to those who live and work in the area, it would not even be the first time that situations of discomfort (and degradation) of this type have occurred. As I mentioned a few lines ago, he could be a homeless man: next to him a bag full of clothes. Although the real question should be asked about the role of this society in which it is unfortunately normal to find homeless and jobless people. This is another story of social unrest: not like the tourists who last year, both in Salò and Desenzano, had a great time with dips and drinks in the fountains of the city.
