
Alberto Rapisarda
In the red ” Tuscany also a walk with Matteo salvini and the candidate for governor Susanna ceccardi it can cost you dearly. So much so as to unleash the practice of the “political” target and, in effect, force a capable manager to resign from an important post held in the interests of his own city. It’s the incredible story of Mario Pardini, an entrepreneur in the communication sector and for a few days former president of Lucca Create, a company owned by the municipality that organizes “Comics and games of Lucca”, the second most important fair in the world. What happened? The talk about his presence in a walk through the center with the leader of the Lega and Ceccardi on September 8 and a photo of the following lunch – organized by an association of academics in support of the center-right candidate – in which Pardini participated was enough. , all this accompanied in turn by Marcello pear (former president of the Senate and reference of the center-right of Lucca), to make the Democratic Party scream the scandal. “Invised conduct,” thundered the group advising dem that it ordered not the “citizen” but the “president of Lucca Crea” to pay “greater attention to her behavior in public.”

In fact, a denial. a scandal The president, after a first moment of astonishment at the scandal caused, addressed the mayor of Lucca Alessandro Tambellini handing over his resignation – accepted immediately – “to protect society” and a party that creates a very important one induced each year (hotels up to Pisa are reserved for the occasion) from any form of political exploitation. “An attitude that confirms the reason for which Pardini was appointed president of the company in 2018 precisely because of center left joint, despite his moderate pedigree and known in the city, since he was the founder of Fi’s first youth club in 1994. An indication, his, carried out in the name of a “competence and knowledge of the sector” recognized by the leaders of the Pd: in 2011, in fact, you co-founded the so-called “movie zone” of the magazine, managed for years for free. A vocation also sealed by “maximum independence”, as various sources explain to Libero, with whom Pardini managed Lucca comics and the fact that the very fate of the festival (on which, at least in recent years, public contributions have not abounded) was the object of comparison between him and Ceccardi. The nervousness of the PD was not enough to do without the witch hunt. On the one hand, the nervousness of Giani and the piddini low impact by the Tuscany face-to-face, on the other, the fear, all of Lucca, that Pardini could be the next mayoral candidate for the center-right in Administrative in 2022, they sparked upheaval. For the League it is the «usual left, which is cultural and historically Illiberal “who took off” his mask “, as the Regional candidate Massimiliano Baldini thunders. Along the same lines Giovanni Minniti:” The left of Lucca has shown that it is afraid, a sign of weakness. “As if that were not enough, at damage was added the double standards of the Tuscan comrades.Two days after the offensive Salvini and Ceccardi, who went to Lucca? Obviously, the candidate of the center-left Eugenio Giani, received with all honors by the administration. Do what? Participate in a meeting with the leaders of the Democratic Party in the school together with members of associations and public cultural foundations.
A full-blown electoral platform. And who was among the guests? Alberto Veronesi, musical director of the Puccini Festival in Torre del Lago, candidate -but he goes there- to Pd. Here, however, coincidentally, no one has objected to any “inappropriate” behavior. Not even the moment to metabolize Pardini’s resignation that the profile of Lucca Comics has already shifted to the left. How? With a “promotional” poster, created by Francesco Ausonia and published on the event’s official page, which represents “a lousy two-headed monster”, as defined by the designer. And whose are the two immortalized faces? But of course: by Salvini and Meloni. Just a joke, inappropriate a few days before the election? It’s certainly not a coincidence …