Tari 2020, there is no transparency in invoices: the alarm comes directly from the president of ARERA, Stefano Besseghini, which on September 17 delivered to the Government and Parliament the annual report on the status of services and activities carried out.
During the hearing in Montecitorio, Besseghini highlighted how the problem is inherent in the nature of Tari: the director of Arera in fact asked provocatively if it is a fee or fee.
In fact, today it is impossible to understand how much do you pay and why, given that the body in charge of collection has an interest in not making the bill transparent and confusing even more citizens.
Tari 2020, tax or fee? ARERA: more transparency in the invoice
The countries it is a tax or fee? The question is provocative, and was asked by ARERA director Stefano. Besseghini during the hearing in Parliament on September 17, 2020.
In the annual report on the status of services and activities carried out, the president of ARERA highlighted how bill of Tari is absolutely lack of transparency.
- ARERA Annual Report 2019 – Status of services
- Click here to download the file.
Often actually on the invoice individual components are not indicated for which you pay, and therefore it is also impossible for the citizen to track illicit.
But mostly it’s not clear how the tax is calculated: to date no one calculates exactly how much waste a single family or company produces, because when measurements are made (when and if they occur) they are in volume and not in weight.
TARI 2020, ARERA’s alarm on calculation
L ‘ARERA president alarm it is, therefore, a lack of transparency in the calculation, which does not allow the virtuous users to be identified since the data is not exact.
The responsibility they are also gods Common, who should supervise the work of the Waste Manager, and instead often vote without even having read the economic-financial plans.
Therefore, the nature of the Tari must be defined once and for all. President Besseghini said during the hearing in Parliament:
“After the first pronouncements of the TAR, which rejected the appeals that describe the Authority’s regulatory competencies, it is undeniable that a definitive legislative and jurisprudential approach on the tax or tariff nature of the TAR would be useful. […] If the sweeping and waste collection activities have been able to function through a reorganization of the operating procedures, the disposal and recycling activities have shown the difficulties associated with a strongly interconnected sector, with a clear deficiency in plant engineering and delivery of waste dependent on other countries, not accessible during the lockdown phase. “
On the one hand, it is essential to identify the nature of the Tari and, on the other, it will not be possible to avoid the costs of “relapse” after the closure, given the interventions of the Authority to guarantee the service also to delinquent consumers.