Forces a 15-year-old daughter to have a 50-year-old daughter – Chronicle


(ANSA) – VIAREGGIO (LUCCA), SEPT 18 – The state police of Viareggio (Lucca) has complied with a provision of the prosecution for the urgent expulsion of a 45-year-old Pakistani, legal in Italy, due to family tensions with his wife and two daughters of 15 and 8 years. The tensions are due, according to the investigations, to the intention of the Pakistani to arrange a marriage between the same 15-year-old daughter and a 50-year-old compatriot. Marriage that the daughter rejected. During an argument, the father pointed a knife at the 15-year-old and the mother stepped between the two and was injured in the hand. The girl called 113 and, speaking in English, asked for help.

The agents found the apartment untidy, with broken furniture and appliances, the mother and two daughters, also the little one, in a strong state of agitation. (HANDLE).