“The thieves of the League do not take them because they do not exist” – Libero Quotidiano


For days in the newspapers the problem of the League has been addressed, subject to judicial investigations for a series of criminal actions in financial matters. If it fell flat, several members of the Carroccio would have stolen money at full speed. It may be that the ongoing investigation has a serious content and worthy of leading to trials to be carried out in court. But be careful not to go to the carlona, ​​according to the method in vogue in Italy, which is a lot per kilo. For years, in fact, Matteo Salvini has been accused of everything and more, starting with the 49 million euros that would have been collected in the Po Valley and then would have disappeared, or rather, probably ended up in someone’s pocket. The judiciary became entangled in tracking down the loot, but did nothing. In the sense that he stayed at the start but did not reach the finish line. Therefore, it is known that the money in question is no longer there, but it is unknown who took it. Strange, because we are not talking about a few coins but a huge sum of which we have mysteriously lost track. Despite this, it continues to be repeated that many thieves circulate in the League, whose identity is nevertheless obscure.

Without connection.  Clamorous hole in the investigation: the proof, the magistrates are only interested in killing Matteo Salvini

It has not finished. According to those who call themselves very well-informed, Alberto da Giussano’s brothers would have flown to Russia not on a tourist trip but to seize a large sum delivered by Putin, it is not possible to know for what purpose. More inquisitions, more sputtering gossip. Outcome? Not a single ghello appeared. Not only. In recent days, some accountants have been detained on suspicion of having circulated coins in quantity and fraudulently. Of course, there is no evidence at the moment. Maybe they will come, but up to date zero. It happens, however, that the League, which the polls place on the podium of the national parties, will be subjected to the examination of the regional elections on Sunday and, according to the forecasts, should take the lion’s share. So the idea that the Captain’s team is now under pressure in the hope that it will come out with broken bones doesn’t seem strange to me. What we suggest is not a correct system, however it has been used for years. If Italy goes bad, it may also depend on a judiciary at the service of a left that has never given up the habit of messing up the handle.
