Coronavirus, the update of infections in Palermo and Sicily on September 18, 2020


Registry of infections in Sicily: 179 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the last 24 hours. It is the highest figure since the beginning of the pandemic: the previous record dates back to March 26 when 170 new cases were registered. The number of swabs processed is still very high (a sign that ASP scanning operations are working): they were 6,329, the percentage of positives is 2.8%.

The file also refers to the province of Palermo, where there are 70 new cases. Of these 21 are invited in the Mission of Biagio Conte, but there are also several of the outbreak in Corleone where the mayor has decided on a “mini lockdown”. According to what emerges in the bulletin of the Ministry of Health, 179 people are hospitalized plus 15 in intensive care. 1,963 are in home isolation for a total of 2,157 current positives on the island.

The good news is that there are 64 cured (3,295 in total), but unfortunately there is also a new victim (296): it is a 70-year-old man from Messina hospitalized for some time. This is the breakdown of the new cases by province: Catania 15, Trapani 31, Siracusa 29, Catania 15, Agrigento 6, Messina 4, Enna 3 and Caltanissetta 2.

The first fast tampons arrived in Sicily

The distribution of the first load of 750 thousand quick swabs purchased directly in the Sicily region for further investigation of the virus in the context of the pandemic is already underway to the Sicilian health authorities. These are tests whose results can be obtained in a few minutes, thus allowing to avoid slowdowns in the health system involved in the emergency. At the disposal of the President of the Nello Musumeci Region, in addition to the health authorities, the swabs were made available to the Palermo Prisons.

“They will serve – says President Musumeci – to make faster diagnoses of any positivity of the Coronavirus, minimizing the inconvenience in schools and places frequented by many people, such as prisons. Once again, I call on all citizens to respect the indispensable rules and prudence. Asymptomatic and positive people grow and will continue to grow. The more tests we do, the more we will identify. But hospitalization is still low, so we are working correctly in the territories. Let’s not frustrate everything. Sicily cannot stop. “The acquisition was taken over by the regional civil protection department, while the distribution was coordinated by Dasoe of the regional health department. The next shipment is scheduled for tomorrow.

Newsletter from September 18 to 2

The situation in the rest of Italy

The new coronavirus bulletin of the Ministry of Health today Friday, September 18, 2020 confirms the worrying trend in constant increase in the number of new cases of positivity to Sars-Cov-2. In the last 24 hours there has been one of the largest increases since May 1 with 1,907 cases and 10 deaths. In fact, there are many new cases that have accompanied the opening of schools with numerous students, teachers and families. The slight drop in tension in the intensive care consoles, in line with the increase in hospitalizations. Peak of cases registered in Lazio.

The latest coronavirus bulletin published yesterday, Thursday, September 17, registered 1,585 new Covid-19 positivity diagnoses and 13 deaths (yesterday 12). The pressure continues to increase in hospitals where 2,560 hospitalized (+68) are registered in covid wards while 212 critically ill patients require intensive therapy (+5). (Intensive care: + 41% in seven days).

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Friday, September 18, 2020

Currently positive: 42,457
Deaths: 35,668 (+10)
Hospitalized: 2,387 (+39)
Hospitalized in ICU: 208 (-4)
Home isolation: 39,862
Total cases: 294,932 (+1,907)
Buffers: 99,839

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