School, two other cases of Covid in Fermi and Guido Reni


Today, September 18, another two cases of positivity to Sars-CoV-2 attributable to students, both symptomatic, from a secondary school and a first grade secondary school were notified to the Public Health Department of the Ausl Company of Bologna. For both of them, the first and only day of school was September 14.
The two institutes involved are E. Fermi High School and Guido Reni High School.

The Department of Public Health, in collaboration with the directors of the schools and the Covid representatives of the two Institutes involved, has taken steps to take charge of the positive issues and their respective close contacts (colleagues and teachers). Currently there are 50 subjects involved, between students and teachers, (24 at Fermi High School and 26 at Guido Reni High School).

Yesterday 3 cases of covid in 3 schools in the city

Also today, Ausl said, nasopharyngeal swabs were also performed on about 90 close contacts (peers and teachers) related to the 3 positive cases reported yesterday to secondary schools. Minghetti, Righi me Laura bassi attributable to three students, all asymptomatic.

121 new positive cases, of which 71 asymptomatic. These are the numbers for September 18, 2020. The average age of new positives is 41.7 years. Unfortunately, a death has occurred.

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The highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Bologna. and province: there are 18 new positives (only one hospitalized and all the others in home isolation): 12 attributable to known outbreaks (family and work environment). Of the total of 18, 4 were identified through contact tracing activities; one is a return from abroad (Macedonia); 5 from other regions (3 from Valle D’Aosta, 1 from Marche, 1 from Calabria). One last case is the return from a vacation on the Riviera.
