Lega, suspicious transactions arise between company and party: “Funds also for Salvini’s staff”


“Inconsistent operations were detected between different companies, involved in the most disparate economic sectors and often with the same management, and the Lega Nord political party,” many of which “attributable to (…) public accountants” from Bergamo and Milan “. Then” credit operations, often characterized by a round amount and a frequency not in accordance with market practices, (…) followed by operations in the opposite direction in favor of professionals and companies always attributable to (. ..) political party This is the image described in a suspicious transaction report, a ‘sos’, from the Bank of Italy FIU in 2019 reported in a statement sent last April by the Guardia di Finanza to the Milan magistrates who They are investigating the League’s funds: an investigation that a week ago resulted in the house arrest of Michele Scillieri, Alberto Di Rubba and Andrea Mazoni, three professionals close to the movement.

In the report of the inspectors of via Nazionale – already last year – the framework within which the Milan deputy prosecutor Eugenio Fusco and the prosecutor Stefano Civardi investigate in a story that also has connections with that of the 49 million disappeared and in which the Genoa Prosecutor acts. In a passage it is highlighted that “against the funds ordered” by the party and “the first Lega.Salvini group” in favor of related entities, payments were made in favor of “Luca Sostegni, alleged front man of the accountant Michele Scillieri.

In addition, by the way, we also talked about the case, which has already arisen, of the Valdolive company “dedicated to the advertising sector, previously owned” by Vanessa Servalli, bartender and sister-in-law of Di Rubba, who “received transfers from Lega Nord, Partecipazioni Srl and Studio Dea Consulting Srl “, recurring names in the Milanese survey. “These funds – he says – were used to make payments in favor of some members of the staff” of the then Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, “Luca Morisi, Leonardo Foa, Matteo Pandini.”

Meanwhile, far from the rooms of the Milan prosecutor’s office, Michele Scillieri, the accountant close to the Lega who ended up under house arrest this Thursday with his colleagues Alberto Di Rubba and Andrea Mazoni, answered the questions of the prosecutors in charge of the investigation of the Lombardy Film Commission. An interrogation began in the morning and continued in the afternoon. There is maximum confidentiality in the content, but it seems obvious that the first questions focused on the deal at the Cormano warehouse, whose sale price, according to the Milan prosecutor’s office, would have been inflated.

The accountant could have answered precisely about the relations with the Carroccio and the current accounts. Scillieri is considered the man behind the Panamanian company Gleason Sa: 400,000 euros that came from the coffers of the Lombardia Film Commission would have ended up, according to prosecutors, in the Swiss account of the Panamanian company
