Very often, electoral appointments are intertwined with initiatives of well-known personalities of the general public, either because they are candidates or because they launch real endorsements in favor of this or that candidate. So here is that the Divino Otelma arrived last night at the Lega event in Sestri Levante, who published the photo with the leader Matteo Salvini on his Instagram profile. And in the post he assures: “Victory is certain.” A true field choice, therefore evidently also in favor of Giovanni Toti, who leads the center-right coalition in Liguria. Otelma, in fact, is from Genoa. However, pro-center-right positions are prevalent in the public possessions of the Godhead. In fact, his preference for Matteo Salvini’s immigration policies as Interior Minister is well known and last year, when he was sworn in as Pd-5 Star, Otelma carried out a hostile “ritual” against the new Executive from the microphones. of the Mosquito.