
AtHighlands Institute from via della Scultura to Rome a child in an elementary class tested positive for COVID-19, and the entire class the student attended was quarantined by the local health authority. But the siblings of the children involved in the provision were not affected by similar security measures, as reported in a letter the school sent to all parents. Codacons denounced it today, requesting the intervention of the Prefect.
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«The Covid Prevention Department of the competent Local Health Authority – reads the email sent by the school to parents – immediately contacted today has quarantined the class, so the children will have to stay at home for 14 days . At the moment no limitation is indicated for the school attendance of the siblings of the students involved in the health provision ”.
“It is absurd, the Codacons claim, for an entire class to be quarantined for a Covid case, while siblings of the children involved in the matter are free to attend schools, despite the risk of Covid positivity and, therefore, the possibility of infecting other students – We ask the competent Local Health Authority and the Prefect of Rome to intervene immediately to take the necessary measures to guarantee public health and prevent the spread of infections.