De Luca writes to Azzolina: “The situation is serious for support, stop sending teachers out of the region”


“Yesterday I sent a letter to the Minister of Public Education to request an increase in support positions at the Campania school.”

This was announced by the President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca.

“We have tenured professors outside the region – adds De Luca – who have not had the provisional assignment for this school year, with enormous damage for teachers and for families who need to have a teacher for their children who also gives them educational continuity for school support. We consider that this sending of teachers outside the region, including permanent teachers, is unacceptable, especially support teachers. It’s not possible”.

De Luca assures that “We will continue this battle to have this frankly reckless measure reviewed. We hope to have positive responses because this also contributes to serenity and helps us to contain the Covid, because the more teachers leave the region, the more we run the risk of having an import contagion, because unfortunately regional mobility has been opened and there’s no more. limits. I hope the Minister of Education will consider this request “, concludes.

From Luca (Campania): “We before Piedmont about the temperature at school. Since Monday delivery of thermal scanners “
