news, contagion data and updates today September 18, 2020


More than 100 cases of Coronavirus in the city of Rome (108), 37 in the municipalities of the Roman province and 48 in the capitals of the region, where an outbreak is registered in an RSA in Rieti. There are 193 new Covid19 infections in Lazio in total, as reported by the local ASL to the Health Department of via della Pisana.

Coronavirus in Rome on September 18

As for the city of Rome, in ASL Roma 1 there are 33 cases in the last 24 hours and of these six are return cases, three with links from Sardinia, one from Croatia, one from Ukraine and one from France. Nine are cases with a family link or contact of an already known and isolated case. Two cases were identified in the prehospital phase. In ASL Roma 2 there are 63 cases in the last 24 hours and thirteen cases of return, five with links from Sardinia, three from Ecuador, one from Spain, one from Croatia, one from Mexico and two with links to the community of Peru. There are thirteen contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 3 there are 12 cases in the last 24 hours and there are four return cases, three cases with links from Sardinia and one from Germany. you are the contacts of already known and isolated cases.

Covid19 in the municipalities of the province of Rome

In the municipalities of the Roman province, in detail: in ASL Roma 4 there are 8 cases in the last 24 hours and these are two cases with links from Sardinia and six contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 5 there are 19 cases in the last 24 hours and there are five cases of return, three from Sicily and two with links to the Peruvian community. Four cases were identified in the prehospital phase and three are the contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 6 there are 10 cases in the last 24 hours and it is a case with links from Sardinia. There are six contacts of already known and isolated cases and one case identified in the prehospital phase.

Coronavirus in Lazio

In the provinces there are 48 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. In Latin ASL there are sixteen cases and there are six return cases, one with links from Sardinia, one from Campania, one from Singapore, one from Greece, two from Sicily. Two have a link to the group of fish markets where the epidemiological investigation is taking place. In the Frosinone ASL there are five cases and it is a case identified in the pre-hospital phase and four contacts of already known and isolated cases. Fifteen cases are registered with the Rieti Local Health Authority and there are thirteen cases with links to a group in a RSA where the epidemiological investigation is ongoing. In the ASL of Viterbo there are twelve cases and it is a case of return from Ukraine and five contacts of already known and isolated cases.

Commissioner D’Amato’s comment

“Of almost 11 thousand tampons today in Lazio – the comment of the Lazio Health Minister Alessio D’Amato – there are 193 cases of these 108 are in Rome and zero deaths. In the evaluation of the Ministry the value of RT is 0.54” .

The Spallanzani newsletter of September 18

At the Spallanzani Institute in Rome, “92 patients with positive swabs for Sars-CoV-2 research are hospitalized. 7 patients need intensive therapy “. This was announced in the medical bulletin released in the morning by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, adding that” the patients discharged and transferred to their homes or other local structures are 690 this morning ” .

School work group

“Of the almost 10,000 tampons today in Lazio, 181 cases are registered, of which 131 are in Rome and two deaths – the comment of the Minister of Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato -. The value of RT is at 0.54 and a low diffusion index. Today I meet in the Region with prof. Crisanti to establish a working group on schools. ”

The new public RSA of Zagarolo is underway

ASL Roma 5 has received from the Lazio Region the mandate to complete the last changes in the organizational aspects and, therefore, as of October 1 will open the new public RSA in Zagarolo. After the RSA of Genzano and that of Albano, also in Zagarolo an important public structure opens its doors in the old San Giovanni Battista hospital.

“A strategic inauguration that allows us to improve the offer of territorial assistance to the vulnerable population”, comments Giorgio Santonocito, General Director of ASL Roma 5.

The structure has 40 beds (divided into two modules of 20 beds each) owned by the Company and built in a total area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, distributed over six floors.

“The remodeling of the Presidium Zagarolo and the conversion into RSA fit organically and structurally into the corporate planning for the reorganization of the territorial network, with the offer of proactive assistance services, oriented to satisfy the ever-expanding needs of the population at the local level, also with a view to increasing the degree of adequacy of hospital use and facilitating the synergies of de-hospitalization towards post-acute care, intermediate structures and, last but not least, the home ”, concludes Santonocito.

Lazio Doctor App

Lazio Doctor for Covid is the application launched by the Lazio region to contact your doctor when you need it. It also allows you to consult useful information on Covid-19 and connect patients with healthcare professionals and the toll-free number 800 118 800.

As specified by Salute Lazio, “this is not an emergency service and does not replace the service of the Unique Emergency Number (NUE) 112/118 that must be activated by the citizen in the event of a health emergency.

Two robots to sanitize the Teresianum University

As reported by the Dire Agency, the meeting entitled ‘Lessons in the time of the coronavirus’ in which the two were presented was held this morning in the great hall of the Pontifical Faculty of Theology and the Pontifical Institute of Spirituality Teresianum in Rome. robots that will take care of the cleaning of the rooms of the pontifical theological faculty and of the pontifical institute of spirituality Teresianum.

Father Paolo, General Treasurer of the Discalced Carmelites, wanted to recall the reasons that made the choice fall on precisely this type of robot: “We chose them,” he declared, “because they allow a deep sanitation of the environments, they allow us to do it independently and for a long time, at low cost since it does not use chemical products and therefore is also ecological ”.

The engineer also intervened from the stage. Valentina Cordeschi from the manufacturing company underlining how “the two robots are based on ultraviolet technology thanks to the use of two lamps, one at 254 nanometers and the other at 185 nanometers that perform similar and complementary functions. Besides this, the machines also they use “ozone that acts where ultraviolet rays do not reach, thus enhancing the action of the machine”.

Immediately after the conference it was time to reveal the robots to see them in action. The operation seems simple: first they map the room, then they start the sanitation that stops if someone enters. Once the robots have mapped all the rooms, simply rename them to ensure that, in subsequent disinfections, it can function completely autonomously.

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Article updated at 4.15 pm on September 18, 2020
