
There are a total of 4137 positive cases of Covid 19 registered in Abruzzo since the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday, there are 54 new cases (between 3 and 83 years). The death toll stands at 474 (+1 compared to yesterday). He is an 86-year-old man from the province of L’Aquila.
The number of positive cases also includes 2984 discharged / cured (+6 compared to yesterday, of which 18 symptomatic with clinical manifestations associated with Covid 19 became asymptomatic and 2960 who resolved the symptoms of the infection and were negative in two consecutive tests).
The positives currently in Abruzzo (calculated by subtracting the number of discharged / recovered and deceased from the total positives) are 679 (+47 compared to yesterday). Since the start of the Coronavirus emergency, a total of 182,106 tests have been performed.
48 patients (+3 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in non-intensive care; 5 (unchanged from yesterday) in intensive care, while the other 628 (+48 from yesterday) are in home isolation with active surveillance by the ASL.
Of the total positive cases, 584 are residents or domiciled in the province of L’Aquila (+12 compared to yesterday), 979 in the province of Chieti (+16), 1780 in the province of Pescara (+17), 761 in Teramo province (+7), 30 outside the region (-2) and 3 (+2) for which provenance controls are being carried out. This was reported by the Regional Department of Health.