Regional, here is the list of unpresentable candidates – La Stampa


There are a total of 13 candidates for the Regionals that would not be eligible under the Severino law or the party self-regulation code. This was announced by the president of the Antimafia commission, Nicola Morra. There are 9 candidates in Campania (only one under the Severino law), 3 in Puglia and one in the Aosta Valley (Severino law).

In Campania there are a total of nine unpresentable candidates: eight since they have been sent to trial and with a trial in progress, others for the Severino law. Five are candidates with De Luca, four with Caldoro.

Sabino Basso (“Campania Libre – Presidente De Luca”, by Vincenzo De Luca Presidente), accused of money laundering, the trial is ongoing before the Avellino Court; Orsola De Stefano, Lega Salvini Campania, accused of extortion; Maria Grazia Di Scala (Forza Italia Berlusconi with Caldoro), accused of extortion; Aureliano Iovine (“Popular Liberal Democrats of Campania with De Luca”, for President Vincenzo De Luca), accused of multiple crimes, including mafia-type criminal association; Michele Langella (“Campania in Europe”, for Vincenzo De Luca president), accused of money laundering; Monica Paolino (“Forza Italia Berlusconi with Caldoro”, for President Stefano Caldoro), accused of electoral exchange between politicians and mafias. Francesco Plaitano (“Italian Republican Party”, for Vincenzo De Luca president), already denounced in 2015 by the Anti-Mafia Commission; Francesco Silvestro (Forza Italia – Berlusconi with Caldoro). Finally, by law Severino ends up on the blacklist of the Antimafia Carlo Iannace (president De Luca).

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IN Puglia there are three “unpresentable” candidates, who are on the electoral lists for the regional elections on Sunday and next Monday. This is the response of the analysis of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission. She is Silvana Albani (“Puglia Solidale Verde” for President Michele Emiliano), accused of the crimes of false expertise, corruption by act contrary to official duties and corruption in judicial acts, aggravated by the purpose of facilitating the activities of the associations. Mafia (articles 110, 373, 319, 319 ter of the penal code and article 7 of law 203/1991). The trial is in progress before the Court of Catanzaro; Vincenzo Gelardi (“Progressive Party of the South” for President Michele Emiliano), accused of multiple crimes of fraudulent transfer of aggravated values ​​for the purpose of facilitating the activities of mafia associations.

Finally, in Valle de Aosta there is the case of Augusto Arduino Rollandin (Autonomous), who was suspended on March 28, 2018 from the position of regional councilor and vice president of the board.

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