It is better not to wear a miniskirt in class, because then teachers “fall by the eye”, the deputy director of the Socrates Institute in Rome would have said a few days ago. The students did not take it very well, and on the fourth day after the resumption of teaching activities, they rose to the chair. All in skirts, with bare legs. Giving life, perhaps thanks to tam tam on Instagram, a story that seems to come out of the feminist uprisings of the 70s, but that is more relevant than ever. And it follows the similar protest of French students, at school in blouses and miniskirts to respond to the censuring words (about clothes) of the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer.
It all starts on September 14, the day the high school reopens. “The first day of classes, the assistant principal, entering the classroom to give communications, then called a friend of mine, who was wearing a skirt that day – explains Chiara (the name is made up, ed), a girl from the scientific class VB -. He told her that there was no need to dress like that, that it was provocative, that some teachers could ‘fall into the trap.’ And as far as we know, the same phrase was also said to other students. ”The girl states that the one her friend wore It was not too scant a garment, but “a normal and soft skirt. And that anyway, despite everything, was his way of expressing himself.”
But the coronavirus also has to do with that: the single-seater benches commissioned through Arcuri’s maxi call have not yet arrived, and to ensure spacing and avoid the obligation of a mask for all school hours, a solution has been chosen drastic but necessary: remove them tout court. An election that is generating stress in the student population and, according to the students, seems to expose them to “too much attention on the part of male teachers”.
Unacceptable Considerations for Students. “Our bodies cannot be objectified, we cannot blame ourselves for the harassing glances of the male teachers – one reads among the messages circulating in the institute signed by the group of students” Feminist Ribalta – tomorrow they are all invited to come to school with skirts “. And so it happened. “Yesterday almost all the students showed up in skirts, we also hung posters denouncing sexism in the corridors, it was exciting – Chiara continues -. School is a place that must protect and protect us ”. And although today Socrates’ students put their pants back on (if they wish), the protest does not stop. “We intend to write a letter to the director – concludes the girl – There is no such thing as a deputy director telling us that we should not dress in a certain way: that way we do not feel protected.”
Meanwhile, the director, informed of the facts, explains that Socrates does not have a dress code and promises to shed light on the case. As well as Minister Lucía Azzolina who “requested an immediate investigation.”