Great discovery in the province of Foggia, Roman amphitheater of Teanum Apulum found. Experts: “It is of extraordinary importance”


Superintendent Maria Piccarreta with Domenico Oione, in a press release, communicates an important discovery in the Foggia area. “The monument unearthed, until now unknown – they write – represents an archaeological testimony of extraordinary importance for the city of San Paolo di Civitate and for the understanding of the urban layout of the Teanum Apulum municipium. Most likely it will be placed topographically close to the Roman wall circuit, as usual.

The Daunian settlement of Tiati it was characterized by a dispersed occupation in the heights of Coppa Mengoni, Pezze della Chiesa, Mezzana, Piani di Lauria and the area between the Regio Tratturo “Aquila-Foggia” and the Marana della Defensola. During the 4th century BC, the Samnite penetration into the territory of Tiati was such that the city participated in the second Samnite war, allying with the Samnites against Rome. The defeat in 318 a. Gave rise to an alliance between Tiati and Rome and the territory, confiscated from the indigenous anti-Roman ruling classes, was leased to the local pro-Roman aristocracy. The presence of Rome caused a restructuring of the territory, which annulled the dispersed settlements and the city of Teanum Apulum was concentrated in a small area between Coppa Mengoni and Pezze della Chiesa.

As part of the 2017-2019 public works planning of the Ministry – they write – The project “San Paolo di Civitate (FG): Daunian tombs and Roman structures was financed. Archaeological excavation emergency intervention and completion of excavation and protection ”. The archaeological investigations were carried out by the Superintendency of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of the Provinces of Barletta-Andria-Trani and Foggia, which involved part of the multilayer settlement of Tiati-Teanum Apulum-Civitate, protected in the 90s by the Code of Italian property. cultural and landscape.

The activities are partially concentrated in the area in loc. Parts of the Church in which evident remains of the Roman period emerge from the current level of the country: a vaulted room in concrete work with brick cladding, belonging to a monumental structure with views of the Regio Tratturo “Aquila-Foggia” access to the Teanum Apulum amphitheater.

The interventions allowed bring to light, unexpectedly, a part of the public building, dating from the 1st-2nd centuries AD. Its location was not known within the urban structures of the Roman city.
The amphitheater is made up of imposing walls, characterized by a powerful nucleus in opus caementicium and perfectly preserved vestments in opus latericium. Unfortunately, it does not persist the elevation of the auditorium, witnessed only by the presence of sporadic remains of the lower tiers. Instead, a large part of one of the entrances and the terminal part of the cavea are preserved.
