“Tell me what are the critical issues?” Conte visits a Roman school. But controversy erupts in son’s – School News


Prime Minister Conte’s Blitz, who peeked into a high school in the Roman suburbs, between Tor Bella Monaca and Torre Angela – this is the institute included across Poseidone, in one of the most complex neighborhoods in the Roman suburbs. To the comprehensive institute “via Poseidone”, which also includes the Mario Pagano State High SchoolThe president of the association of presidents of Rome was also present together with the prime minister Mario rusconi.

Surprise visit to the school in the Roman suburbs.

The director explained to the Prime Minister that on Monday they received about 400 “innovative sessions” (benches on wheels) and others are waiting for them.

“I came here this morning because government radars at school do not activate after the first few days“Said the premier, we read on AdnKronos, noting that in school”this government has never concealed criticalities, criticalities that exist“But that”accompany each school year, even if this is a particular year”.

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Speaking of problems, Conte said: “Tell me the critical issues, what are they?”, The president reported on the number of people with disabilities present and the lack of teachers on staff and furniture.

Still: “The government radar in the school does not go off. In fact, they will continue throughout the year. We have not hidden critical issues. Here there is a high percentage of students with disabilities and citizens from outside the EU but even here the year started in an orderly way“.

I’m here to thank you for working all summer. The school can only be restarted with a great collective effort from everyone. We are there“The premier continued, thanking the institute’s administrative staff, including Torre Ángela.

Finally, a joke about the controversy regarding the reopening of schools: “It is inconceivable that school becomes a place of sterile polemics. We must all work profitably in the school, we do not dispute, we do not give false information. Criticalities are overcome with the effort of everyone, everyone“.

Meanwhile at Conte’s son’s school …

The premier wants to make his institutional presence felt in the schools in the area: he did it a few days ago in Norcia, he repeated it on September 17 in Rome. However, those closest to him do not do well at the school level: in fact, in the school that Prime Minister Conte’s son attended, the secondary school Belli-Col di Lana, the parents complain and demonstrate the same morning of September 17:
On the 14th the Prime Minister came here because they started the third grade, he announced the resumption of the school but it was a catwalk because in fact school has not resumed. To date, the right to education of children is not guaranteed, my daughter will go to school once a week for four hours.“It is the outburst of a father whose son goes to school in the same institution attended by Niccolò Conte, the son of the Prime Minister, we read in Il Fatto Quotidiano.”We complain – continues the mother who along with other parents appeared this morning in front of the institute for a protest – poor communication and little transparency”.

On the night of September 17, a note came from the Ministry of Education explaining that “with reference to the Instituto Col di lana where the parents had reported some critical problems in recovery, the Regional Office of the School for Lazio announced that it had intervened together with the school to investigate the facts. ”According to Lazio USSR, there is“ no problem with the spaces, for which a solution was found before the opening ”.
