Covid Bologna, three positive high school students. Ninety people in isolation


Bologna, September 18, 2020 – Three students with positive swab, but asymptomatic, in scientific high schools Righi, classical Minghetti and linguistics Laura Bassi. “These are the first positive cases of SARS-CoV-2“, explains Paolo Pandolfi, director of the Ausl Department of Public Health. During the remedial courses” we subjected some students who had had contact with positive people to controls. The controls had a negative result. ” Three positives and, in a cascade, some ninety students and teachers lined up today in via Boldrini for the buffer check. About thirty for each high school. Two out of three are the result of “routine activities,” explains Pandolfi, while the third is an athlete who plays basketball for a club that subjected him to the test. In high schools, the news broke in the late morning.

For more information The newsletter of September 17: cases are increasing in Emilia Romagna – Two positive boys also in Ravenna – Quarantined class in Cesena

Alabama Laura bassi (1,410 students and three locations: the central in via Sant’Isaia, the branch in via Broccaindosso, the musical secondary school in via del Riccio), “we have chosen not to let the class come to school tomorrow (today, ed)” , Explain. the director Maria Grazia Cortesi. A decision taken yesterday morning as a precautionary measure pending the result of the swab that arrived in the afternoon. The other question that arises spontaneously y: distance learning yes or no? “We will all take the time to decide since we are also the electoral headquarters” and therefore we closed by force. The knot, emphasizes the director, is not so much activating it, but who to put in the chair. “We are waiting for directions,” observes the director. Also because if the teachers are isolated, it is clear that they are on sick leave. Who will replace them? If the other colleagues are in the classroom, you can try alternates, but the appointments are still in progress and “some chairs are still open.”

That there was something in the air, everything Righi Scientific High School (1,660 students and two branches, the main one in viale Pepoli and the branch in via Tolmino) it was guessed from the class chat that, on Thursday night, they were talking about tampon. With bated breath and many questions and doubts about what to do. To give instructions on how to move we thought of the Ausl who, around 12, appeared in Viale Pepoli to verify the directors established by the secondary school. At 2 pm, the report: positive. As a result, the fourth graders and the teachers will go today to via Boldrini to undergo the tests. Some guys stayed home as a precaution, as of this morning everyone will be.

Finally, there is the Minghetti, the only one of the three institutes involved that also has the fourth and fifth at the fair (1,238 students and four locations in via Nazauro Sauro, vicolo Stradellaccio, via Saragozza and, indeed, the new headquarters in hall 34). Today also for this classic high school we will understand what to do.
