
Weather, summer seems to be really going down despite the soaring temperatures these days. Starting next week, the high pressure will make its suitcases ejected by the arrival of a low pressure that will send humid and unstable currents towards our regions. Although this Friday and next weekend will be mostly stable and decidedly summer in most regions with temperatures between 28 and 34 ° C almost everywhere, we will already notice the first signs of this change with the first rains in Piedmont and Sardinia. . But it will be especially from the day of the autumn equinox (Tuesday, September 22) when the worsening becomes more and more general.
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#Weather: #WEEKEND, Between #SATURDAY 19 e #SUNDAY twenty #Anticyclone #DEBOLITO, I come back #TEMPORARY. me #Details https://t.co/TExyMKBK1R
– IL METEO.it (@ilmeteoit) September 18, 2020
The team of the site www.iLMeteo.it warns that from September 22 the currents will be ordered from the southern quadrants. Intense cloud bodies fed by fresh Atlantic air and driven by warm winds from the south will generate massive storm cells that will target first Sardinia, then Tuscany, Lazio, and then northern Italy. Showers and thunderstorms in very strong moments and with probable storms can affect most of the Central-North regions where there will also be a generalized decrease in temperatures that will return to the typical values of the current season. Something different, however, in the South, which will instead be protected by a hot tongue from the African anticyclone: in these regions it will still be high summer.
Friday 18. In the north: predominant sun. In the Center: good weather. In the south: more clouds and some rain between Basilicata and Calabria.
Saturday 19. In the north: many clouds in the northwest with showers in the Piedmont hills, sun elsewhere. In the Center: sunny. In the south: partly cloudy.
Sunday 20. In the north: worse in Piedmont with longer storms, more sun elsewhere. Center: worse in Sardinia, the clouds expand in Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and then Abruzzo. Sun elsewhere. In the south: all the sun.
Starting Monday, more frequent thunderstorms in the northwest and central Apennines, Tuesday across most of the north, and Wednesday across the north-central.
Last update: 11:53