The conditions of Francesco Traiano, 38 years old from Foggia, seriously injured yesterday afternoon, during a robbery that took place inside the bar ‘Gocce di caffè’, at the corner of via Guido Dorso and via Salvo D’Acquisto, continue being serious but stable.
Doctors at the Riuniti Polyclinic in Foggia have not yet resolved the prognosis. The 38-year-old son of the owner of the affected business is in a pharmacological coma in the intensive care unit of the Riuniti Polyclinic, where he was hospitalized at 7 p.m. yesterday, after a delicate neurosurgery operation that lasted several hours. His condition is defined by doctors as “critical” due to a “blunt frontal injury” that resulted in a “severe head injury”.
The man, in fact, had reacted to the action of the robbers and had been violently beaten with a blunt object in the face. Among the injuries suffered, it was learned that some would be compatible with a cutting weapon (knife or cutter not yet recovered by the investigators).
Investigations into the incident are being carried out by agents of the Foggia mobile team who have seized all images from cameras and surveillance systems in the area. Last night, a dozen searches were carried out against local convicts. The investigations continue in a rigorous way, in the strictest secrecy of the investigators.
In recent weeks, there has been a worrying increase in burglaries and robberies in the city, but there has never been so much violence. To act, yesterday afternoon, there were three people, all with their faces covered and with a strong local accent. The loot from the robbery has yet to be quantified in detail, but certainly not very large.
Investigators will also need to know the points of contact and similarities with the other robberies that have occurred in recent days. After the coup and the serious attack, the criminals fled in a car driven by a fourth person.
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Another harsh trial for the Traiano family, already dramatically affected years ago by the femicide of Giovanna (Francesco’s sister): it was in February 2003, when the woman was caught from behind and killed by a gunshot in the neck, which exploded. by her husband, in front of the Beata Vergine Maria church in Foggia.