WASHINGTON. Donald Trump denounces “left-wing indoctrination in schools and classroom attention to slavery” by attacking “Project 1619” by New York Times, which won the Pulitzer Prize. “Critical race theory,” Project 1619 “and the crusade against American history are toxic propaganda, an ideological poison that, if not eliminated, will dissolve the civic ties that bind us,” says the US president speaking from the National Archives. .
From the White House they let it be known that the president is pressing for a “more balanced, accurate and patriotic” education. “The riots and chaos on the left are the direct result of decades of indoctrination of the left in our schools,” says Trump. “A radical movement is trying to demolish our legacy. The left has launched a violent attack on the forces of order, a universal symbol of order and legality in the United States, he adds. We are here today to say that we will never submit to tyranny. We will reclaim our history, our country for citizens of all races, colors and religions ”.
The “1619 Project” to which Trump refers was launched from New York Times Magazine in 2019 and reviews the history of the United States, beginning in 1619 when the first slaves from Africa arrived in Virginia, instead of in 1776 when the founding fathers declared independence from Great Britain.