first coupons that arrive before the end of the month


After the green light from the EU for the € 500 PC bond, the Government is ready to move from words to action. The Minister of Technological and Digital Innovation, Paola Pisano, in a hearing in the Chamber announced that the first coupons will be issued at the end of the month, while for the remaining part we will have to wait.

Pisano, in fact, has specified that a first part of eligible users will receive coupons at the end of September, but “for the others we will have to wait until the end of 2020”.

On May 5, the Ultra Broadband Committee approved the voucher plan to facilitate the purchase of connectivity services by families and businesses. For all families with Isee below 50 thousand euros, an incentive of 200 euros is provided to access the best available technology, with Isee below 20 thousand euros there will be the possibility of requesting an additional contribution of 300 euros for the loan by use. of tablets and PC“He concluded.

We remind you that, as specified by Infratel and Invitalia, the request should not be submitted by users, but operators will need to register on the website of the state company.

They are entitled to the bonus those with an annual ISEE of less than 20 thousand euros, you will receive the coupon of 500 euros for the purchase of PCs, tablets and for the Internet connection. For all those that fall within the annual ISEE range of up to 50 thousand euros, an amount of 200 euros is foreseen for connectivity.
