“I don’t think anyone wants to put themselves in the shoes of Minister Azzolina, who in this emergency had to exercise the art of squaring the circle. It reminded me of that movie, Apollo 13, in which astronauts design themselves by reusing the materials they find on board to survive after equipment failure. It is very important that school start over ”.
So says the senator for life, interviewed by La Repubblica Liliana Segre about the beginning of the school year.
“I follow – he claims – what happens in the school world with particular participation because I feel a very strong bond. Both for having been deprived as a child of training, human contact, emotional and cultural growth to share with my classmates and teachers, and for having found in school fifty years later, as a witness of history, the place where I could exercise my mission ” .
“If I look back at the experience of the last decades – observe – I see the faces of hundreds of passionate teachers, who have been my greatest allies, and those of tens of thousands of students, my ideal grandchildren, who have shown me that they want to collect those candles of memory that I tried to offer them. And knowing how to keep them on. “
And to the question: what do you think remains of the experience of confinement in young people? Segre responds: “I think it prompted everyone to recognize the essential value of school. Even those students who previously seemed to experience it as a useless burden and obligation. Now reopening in person is a new challenge. As much as we can invest in organization, personnel, equipment, security procedures, I believe that it will be the wisdom and responsibility of young people to make a difference. There is a school that must be reinvented and protected; let’s go guys ! We are counting on you! “.