Back to school, there are many problems on the restart. However, due attention should be paid to the suspected or proven case management aspect of Covid1-19. In a month we will be able to see the perspective of this unique school year.
Back to school, so many problems Back to school, never before has school been forced to face so many problems that have represented a discontinuity with respect to tradition. The early school years have always been characterized by rituals and activities that almost never made the headlines.
Right now he focused on the incoming problems (staff, single-seat desks, class subdivision, classroom search…). Can not it be a different way! We have to start over and get it right!
The health protocol could favor social gatherings
What will happen in a few weeks, when the first symptoms of the flu begin to appear (dry cough, fever, sore throat …) behind which the danger of Covid-19 could be hidden.
To understand the problem, it is necessary to know the guidelines of the Ministry of Health in case of appearance of symptoms at home:
“Parents must inform PLS / GP.
The student’s parents must report the absence from school for health reasons.
The PLS / GP, in case of suspicion of COVID-19, immediately requests the diagnostic test and
communicates to the DDP.
The Prevention Department performs the diagnostic test.
The Prevention Department is active in deepening epidemiological research and
the consequent procedures.
The DdP performs the diagnostic test and proceeds as directed …“
The final part of the school symptoms protocol is practically identical.
What problems can arise and which are hidden in the protocols?
The scenario proposed by the president of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians, Paolo Biasci, is concrete. “In a maximum of a month in Italian schools there will be chaos due to tampons … In a few weeks the classes will be emptied both in number of infected and suspects”. Pediatricians’ consultations will be empty to avoid contagion between patients and therefore many of them will be directed to the different ASIs, saturating and thus compromising the functionality and operation of health establishments.
What didactics or didactics will be proposed?
Obviously, the hypothetical scenario that will prevent several confinements (a class, a plexus, an entire school institution) at different times will have consequences for teaching. Hard to imagine its configuration. Much will depend on the rate of infections and the number of positives. Will it be integrated or remote teaching? How many users will be able to use face-to-face teaching only? What continuity can be ensured? In the case of integrated digital education or, in the worst case, a return to dad, the recently published guidelines define delivery times and methods, committing each Institute to integrate them into the Ptof “in case it is necessary to suspend teaching activities in the presence again due to contingent epidemiological conditions”.
The quick text solution
In recent weeks we have begun to think about the end of autumn and winter, identifying concrete solutions that reduce the time factor in the verification of infections, with the consequent advantage of not strongly compromising the school year with the inevitable repercussions on the psychological, emotional state, relational. of our boys. In other words, the educational institution cannot afford continuous closures, even if they are limited and prolonged from fifteen to twenty days. It would be an educational disaster!
Always P. Biasci said: The match in the hand remains with the pediatricians of the family. Everyone talks about our skin, everyone says that we should turn a blind eye, but it is not possible. A help to speed up the process could come from rapid salivary tests: “We hope they will be validated soon. To date they are not, but it seems that the ISS is evaluating the approval “
Unfortunately, the problem with these tests lies in their not very high reliability and therefore in the concrete possibility of not intercepting people affected by Covid-19 with the obvious consequences.
In the end, one question remains: will we be able to finish this strange and complicated school year in the best way? In the words of a passage by L. Battisti: “we will only discover it by living”