The RSU of Lombardy has sent the note on “Starting school activities and educational services for children: management of cases and outbreaks of CoviD-19”. The indications of the Region have been published.
Preliminary actions
1. The Coordination of the Territorial Network ATS / ASST allows access within the current supply network without reservation and with self-certification of motivation, possibly also identifying paths dedicated to school (where possible drive-ins are effective both in relation to production capacity and the need to avoid meetings in health facilities) to:
to. minor subjects
yes. adult students attending upper secondary school
C. Teaching and non-teaching school personnel belonging to educational services for children and to schools at all levels.
The reason for accessing the buffer points without reservation includes two cases:
to. detection of symptoms at school
yes. detection of symptoms outside the school environment following the indication of the GP / PLS
2. The buffer points are accessible every day from Monday to Saturday approximately from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and guarantee an offer of at least 4 hours a day.
3. During access, the personal data of the person to be tested (name, surname, date of birth and CIF) and the reference telephone number are recorded.
4. The buffer points thus identified must guarantee the dispatch of the samples acquired in the morning at 2:00 p.m. every day and in any case as soon as possible activating the local connections for a correct organization of work.
5. Laboratories must process swabs from buffer points on the same day and upload results to buffer stream by 11.00 pm and upload results to Electronic Health Record.
6. The ATS displays the results through a specific buffer_denorm stream present in the online folder of the Cyberark system.
7. The GP / PLS displays the swab results on the Electronic Health Record or the Surveillance Dashboard (expected to be activated by the end of September 2020) according to the same schedule provided for the ATS or as directed by ATS
Next, the path is presented in the table characterized by modularity based on the following elements:
- Subject affected by any symptoms suggestive of CoviD-19: school personnel or pupil / student
- age of the student / student affected by any symptoms suggested by CoviD-19
- symptom onset scenario: school or home
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