From 458 to six thousand: hunting the virus in Campania – to understand the glow of summer – it is in the amount of daily tampons. 458 was the daily average in March (when the positives were 2,240 and the deaths 133), when the swabs – at the dawn of an almost unknown epidemic and with more questions than certainty – were reserved (also due to the shortage of reagents) those who showed symptoms and immediately “around” (to use a mathematical term proper to functions, which nevertheless explained well the movements of doctors).
Six thousand is the average of the first 19 days of September, with the maximum reached yesterday of almost 8,500 swabs (with 195 positives and three deaths). «The situation is not serious – warns Francesco Vaia, medical director of the Spallanzani Institute in Rome – but not to be taken lightly: we are at an orange alert level.
Finding the positives is decisive to avoid that living with the virus to which we will be obliged in the coming months means the reactivation of the March-April model of northern Italy in the south and in Campania: that is, as shown by the very low percentage of tests positive serological. Istat – in the South the virus has arrived very little and we must prevent Covid from making up for lost time. But also that the southern regions and, in particular, Campania, with the non-punctual observance of prevention measures (mask, spacing and hand hygiene), lose the advantage acquired with the great observance of the blockade. For this reason, the number of new positives remains high in Campania: on the one hand, obviously, Covid-19 is present even more than in March and April, on the other, the ASL prevention departments have gained experience and techniques to track it deeper.
«What is happening these days – continues Vaia – was largely predictable with the reopening, freedom of movement. The important thing is the search for asymptomatic positives who, it must be remembered, are always patient and can transmit the virus without knowing it to parents or grandparents with a development of the disease that, in some cases, can lead to death. “This virus – he explains – is dangerous precisely because it is weak with the strong and strong with the weak, that is, people who already have pathologies. For this we need to identify the asymptomatic positives and close the circuit as soon as possible.
Campania at this time does not present its own specificity compared to other regions (not even the most relaxed behaviors are different from those of the other southern regions): having been a touristy half and the mobility of its inhabitants have exposed it, of course it was previously. success. Even less than Lazio, which suffered more from international tourism and the presence of many religious communities where it was often not easy to respect isolation.
«But – urges Nino Cartabellotta, President of the Gimpe Foundation and reference for the study of the pandemic – the situation is delicate: Campania, even without large numbers, is currently the third for admissions to intensive care (yesterday 21) “.
This race against the clock is done precisely with buffers and, unlike March, with “Contact tracking”, that is, the search for all the people who have come into contact with a positive (asymptomatic or not): the objective is to limit the possible transmission of the virus as soon as possible.
For this reason, after the alarm about “cases of return” from Sardinia, Greece, Malta and Croatia that later spread to Campania to all foreign states, the number of daily tampons went from an average of 1,700 daily tampons August) to almost five thousand of the next thirty until reaching yesterday’s maximum of 8,473. So much so that, in this way, the ratio between positives and swabs performed yesterday with 195 new infections was lower than that of the previous day, which had 186 positives but six thousand swabs.
A path that will be increasingly mandatory and that in the coming weeks will mean a greater expansion of the number of swabs, but also of the set of tests to check the presence of the virus. In particular, the saliva test is expected at the end of the month, which should verify the presence of antibodies in half an hour and is expected to be used for access to schools.
“It is crucial to live with Covid-19 – explains Vaia – that some “Negative bolle”, for example on airplanes and in schools where you enter only with the negativity of the virus, which, however, can be easily verified in a very short time ».
Because, like it or not, you will have to live with Covid-19: without lightness but without even being dramatic, respecting the three fundamental rules (mask, spacing and hygiene)