The pension fee 41 allows the precocious workers who have paid at least 12 months of labor contributions before the age of 19, to access retirement with only 41 years of contributions. But being precocious is not enough to benefit from the benefit, it is also required to belong to one of the protection profiles.
In this article we will respond to two Money.it readers who write to us:
“Hello, I was born on 12/29/1970. I started working in 1986, in December 2020 I find myself with 33 years of paid contributions. Will I be able to retire with 41 years of contributions? The so-called precocious! “
“Good evening, I am a private employee born in 1961, continuous contributions since September 1979, I should retire on December 1, 2022. I wonder, am I not a precocious worker? Since at 19 he had a year of paid contributions ”.
Pension with 41 years of contributions
To access quota 41 reserved for precocious workers, it is necessary to be in possession of certain requirements:
- at least 12 months of paid labor contributions before the age of 19;
- have matured at least 41 years of total contributions;
- they belong to one of the protection profiles.
Therefore, any precocious worker who has accumulated 41 years of contributions and who finds himself in any of the following situations can access the pension with 41 quota:
- be an employee unemployed for dismissal, including collective dismissal, which has finished using all the Naspi owed for at least 3 months;
- be a worker with disability 74% or more
- be a worker who he cares about for at least 6 months of a family member living with a serious disability according to law 104
- be a worker onerous or exhausting.
Unfortunately, if you are not within the profiles described above, the pension with fee 41 does not expire and you will have to wait until the requirements to access the early retirement which requires 42 years and 10 months of contributions for men and 41 years and 10 months of contributions for women.
“If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at the email address ask for [email protected]”