Ancona, September 17, 2020 – Everything open: schools, kindergartens and universities. But also parks and sports facilities. ArpaM’s first report on the air quality in Ancona. Also because the gigantic fire (photo), after 30 hours of work by the firefighters (photo), goes out, the threatening black cloud (video) has stopped floating over the city (video), the acrid smell of burning. finally grant a break. Now we are working tirelessly to understand what caused the flames.
Arianna Moroni: “My photo is now viral”
Faced with the reassuring analyzes, Mayor Valeria Mancinelli has decided to return the city to normal: “Tomorrow we reopen everything: schools, outdoor sports facilities, parks, semi-residential centers ”, he assures. All schools of all levels, kindergartens and universities that have been closed for two days reopen.
The greatest concern was related to the presence of hydrocyanic acid generated by the combustion of foam rubber in the port sheds. “Well, the 6 stations located in the city have taken over absence of these substances in the air – is the comforting given -. Only at the fire site was the data present, but the value was 10 times below the legal limit permitted “.
Then the values of pm1, coarser fine particles: they fell after 250 microgram peak per cubic meter at 8 am on Wednesday (“a figure of 250 corresponds to the emissions of 2 cigarettes in a room of 4×4 meters”). Now there are 13, the normal value is between 4-5 micrograms per meter. Furthermore, the presence of asbestos in the warehouses: during the renovation all were recovered.
However, there is still the big question related to rails me dioxin. To be sure of this element “it takes at least a week” because “the analysis times are longer. We need trace amounts of nanograms of elements, one billionth of a gram and this requires a longer time frame.”
However, the Municipality recommends not eating fruits and vegetables from orchards or in any case exposed to the air in these last hours: clean balconies, terraces and windowsills with water to remove black dust and avoid playing sports outdoors for a while. ‘.
The fire
Firefighters, teams from Ancona and other cities in Marche, have put out the flames (video) even in the most remote parts of warehouses. From some sections, under collapsed parts, difficult and dangerous to access, the smoke continues to rise: the brigades keep these outbreaks under control and the next operations will be examined by a technical table. An eventual intervention of the Canadair was rejected because the power of the water from above would destroy the structure causing it to rise another dangerous cloud.
The Ancona prosecutor proceeds for the crime of fire but they also evaluate me environmental crimes, for now there are no suspects. The busiest road is a photovoltaic system short circuit on the roof of the shed, even if the fraud hypothesis remains, for now only residual. However, the entire area was seized for further investigation.
The prosecutor is waiting to hear the results of ARPAM’s findings. For now we are talking about one noxious cloud, but not with direct effects on the health of the population. In short, what has ended up in the air, with the combustion of the foam stored inside the old Tubimar, it is better not to breathe it, but there would be no dangerous toxicity level for man. “We are not Seveso,” leaked from the investigators’ offices. Prosecutor Irene Bilotta awaits the latest reports from the firefighters, because more teams have intervened in the closing phase and have yet to deliver the reports.
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