Cesano Maderno: positive child in kindergarten in Snia at school waiting for the result, swabs for his class


Cesano Maderno: positive child in kindergarten in Snia at school waiting for the result, swabs for his class

Cesano Maderno: Montessori Kindergarten at Snia Village

(Photo by Cristina Marzorati)

  • Wednesday 16 September 2020

Cesano Maderno: positive child in kindergarten in Snia at school waiting for the result, swabs for his class

There is a first case of positivity in the school also in Cesano Maderno. This is a 5-year-old boy from the Montessori kindergarten in Snia who tested positive for coronavirus. Swabs for class. The child tested positive on Tuesday, September 9, the communication to the school.

There is a first case of positivity in the school also in Cesano Maderno. This is a 5-year-old boy from the Montessori kindergarten in Snia who tested positive for coronavirus. After the communication from Ats Brianza, the protocol was activated and the section to which it belongs in the San Gerardo de Monza hospital was swabbed: a total of 17 children and 3 teachers. Children, teachers and families are in quarantine pending the result of the swab and instructions from Ats.

«All preventive measures have been activated. Each of the eight sections is like a “bubble” that works without contact with the others – explained the Councilor for Education, Pietro Nicolaci, illustrating the planned organization – Parents and children enter through the windows that overlook the garden and the sections . they are divided by blocks of New Jersey ”.

The school management was informed on Tuesday, September 15. “From the telephone call made yesterday between the school administration and the parents of the positive student, it was learned that the child had been subjected to a tampon on September 3 and that, despite this, on September 7, 8 and on September 9 he continued to attend school. The family noticed the positivity on September 9 and from the next day the assistance was interrupted “, reads the note from the Municipality.

“This episode, certainly unique because of how it happened, leads us to recommend prudent and responsible behavior to families. If a child is subjected to a tampon, they cannot attend school at all until the result certifies Covid negativity. Not only that, even if a child has a fever, they should stay home and every morning families should make sure that their children do not have a fever and that there are no signs that could lead to suspect the appearance of Covid. In case of suspicion, the family doctor or pediatrician must be notified immediately ”, clarifies the municipality.


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