
Pietro De Leo
Ursula von der Lyen yesterday was a politically correct ultra speech. The cusp is in the solemnity of the challenge launched to the subject of the issues, racism. “It is time for a change – said the President of the EU Commission – to build a truly anti-racist Union, moving from condemnation to action. And the Commission is proposing an action plan to start doing it. “He added that the proposal will come from Brussels to expand the list of crimes to those cases” inspired by hatred and incitement to hatred, based on race, religion, gender. and sexuality. “Other points will be the development of” education and knowledge about the historical and cultural causes of racism “and the appointment of the” first anti-racism coordinator of the Commission. “

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The intentions of the Cuore Book hide some pitfalls. And they reside as The Guardian anticipated days ago. According to the British newspaper, the EU’s anti-racist agenda will (also) be based on pushing each country to develop or update its national law enforcement plan. We have already seen, in Italy, how the practice works, in the motion that establishes the “Segre Commission” where the line between the fight against hatred (sacrosanct) and the judgment of ideas (unacceptable) was thrown into the air. With the label of “racism”, as is well known, the alarms that arise from the awareness of the dangerous repercussions of the migratory phenomenon are also dismissed.
And what did the president say about this? “We will abolish the Dublin regulation and replace it with a new European governance on migration management. With common structures on the right of asylum and repatriation and a strong solidarity mechanism between the Member States ”. Following the failure of the Junker Commission relocation. After the evaporation, in fact, of the Maltese agreements that has thrown Sicily into chaos. It still promises.