Coronavirus in Puglia: with 103 cases registered yesterday, the total number of cases registered in the region amounts to 6,689. 1,577 occurred in the province of Foggia, or almost a quarter of the total (23.58%). Among the 6 provinces of Apulia, Capitanata is the one with the highest cumulative incidence per 10,000 inhabitants (25.3). In this statistic increases the number of Bari, whose incidence has exceeded 20. It is followed by Brindisi (19.0), Bat (13.7), Lecce (9.2) and Taranto (8.2).
The average age of the cases registered so far is 56 years. 41.6% of the people who have contracted the virus in Puglia are between 19 and 50 years old, 30.6 between 51 and 70, 21.6% are over 70 years old. The percentages among the youngest are falling. Only 6.3% are between 0 and 18 years old. Regarding deaths, most of the victims are condensed in the range of 70 to 90 (and more) years (475 of 574 in total).
The times in which the Captain constantly registered zero in the voice of new infections seem distant. Daily positivity has progressively increased in the last month, to 308 new cases with a daily average of 10.2 positives per day. The numbers tripled compared to the previous 30 days (July 19 – August 17), when the cases were 97, with an average of 3.2 cases per day.
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Active cases chapter: the Covid municipalities in the province of Foggia have risen to 24. According to what the map of the current positive aspects of the Puglia Region reports, yesterday the municipalities of Torremaggiore and Poggio Imperiale were also added . The number of positives is growing in the municipality of Manfredonia, which, like San Severo and Cerignola, has 21-50 positives. Only in the main city there are a number of active cases that exceed 50 units. There are still 11 to 20 cases in Stornara, from 6 to 10 in the municipalities of Orta Nova and Ascoli Satriano. In the other 17 affected municipalities (Lesina, Poggio Imperiale, Apricena, San Paolo di Civitate, Torremaggiore, Casalvecchio di Puglia, Lucera, Troia, Panni, San Marco in Lamis, San Giovanni Rotondo, Monte Sant’Angelo, Mattinata, Vieste, Rodi Garganico, Carapelle and Stornarella) there are 1-5 cases.