news, contagion data and updates today September 17, 2020


Coronavirus cases are increasing in the city of Rome, those in the municipalities of the province of the capital decrease. In fact, 131 new positives in the Covid19 of the capital (86 on Wednesday). On the other hand, infections in the municipalities of the Roman province decreased, 21 on Thursday, while 24 hours earlier had been 43. Twenty-nine in the provincial capitals for a total of 181 new cases of SarsCov2 throughout Lazio.

Coronavirus in Rome on September 17, 2020

In particular, in ASL Roma 1 there are 50 cases in the last 24 hours and of these six are return cases, four with links from Sardinia, one from Puglia and one from Romania. Twenty-two are the cases with a family link or contact of a known and isolated case. In ASL Roma 2 there are 76 cases in the last 24 hours and among these fourteen cases of return, one with links from Sardinia, four from Bangladesh, two from Ecuador, one from Egypt, one from England and nine with links to the community of the Peru. Fifteen are contacts of already known and isolated cases. There are two cases linked to Via del Caravaggio where the epidemiological investigation is underway. In ASL Roma 3 there are 5 cases in the last 24 hours and these are contacts of already known and isolated cases.

Coronavirus in the municipalities of the province of Rome

As for the municipalities of the Roman province, in ASL Roma 4 there are 5 cases in the last 24 hours and these are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 5 there are 9 cases in the last 24 hours and it is a case of return from Abruzzo, two cases identified in the prehospital phase and four are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 6 there are 7 cases in the last 24 hours and there are two return cases, one with links from Sardinia and the other from the Dominican Republic. There are two contacts of already known and isolated cases and two cases identified on the recommendation of the GP.

Covid19 in the provincial capitals

In the provinces there are 29 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. In the ASL of Latina there are fifteen cases and it is a case of return from Sicily, three have a link with the cluster of the fish market where the epidemiological investigation is being carried out. In the Asl di Frosinone there are two cases and it is a case identified in the access to the emergency room. In the Asl de Rieti there are eight cases and they are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In the ASL of Viterbo there are four cases and it is an already known and isolated contact case and three cases have a family link between them.

Commissioner D’Amato’s comment

“Of the almost 10,000 tampons today in Lazio, 181 cases are registered, of which 131 are in Rome and two deaths – the comment of the Minister of Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato -. The value of RT is at 0.54 and a low diffusion index. Today I meet in the Region with prof. Crisanti to establish a working group on schools. ”

The Spallanzani newsletter of September 17

At the Spallanzani Institute in Rome, “91 patients with positive swabs for Sars-CoV-2 research are hospitalized. 9 patients need intensive therapy “. This was announced in the medical bulletin released in the morning by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, adding that” the patients discharged and transferred to their homes or other local structures are 685 this morning ” .

Minister Speranza in Porta a Porta

“The agreement with Astrazeneca in which Italy is the protagonist, is one of the seven vaccines in which Europe is investing. We are cautious because for now there are only ‘candidate vaccines’ but these contracts speak for themselves: Astrazeneca’s talks about 300 million doses by the end of the year and for Italy it means 3 million doses – words of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza on the Porta to Porta transmission -. The incredible investments that are being made, I think they will lead us to a positive result at some point. “

Kindergarten closed for two days

Positive student in the Villa De Sanctis nursery

Coronavirus that did not leave the schools unharmed, as in the case of a kindergarten in the Villa De Sanctis area: “The families of the Guattari child plexus are informed that they have notified us of the positive covid smear for a student from section A of the school in question – read on the IC Simonetta Salacone portal -. The ASL Covid contact person has ordered the quarantine for all adults and children who have had direct contact with the student: therefore, for all children and teachers of section A, for school collaborators in service in the complex, so the swab will take place on Friday, September 18 at the school facilities. Organizational and precautionary measures, the Guattari kindergarten complex will be closed on September 17-18. ”

Suspended Masses in Magliana

Positive priests to the parish of Magliana

The positive cases of SarsCov2 registered in a parish in the Magliana area are cause for concern: “Due to the supervening positivity of all the parish priests towards Covid – we read on the Facebook page of the Parish of San Gregorio Magno in Piazza Certaldo – and not being able to count on the help of the priests of the nearby parishes, who have kindly replaced us in these two weeks, we must NECESSARILY suspend the celebrations of Holy Mass on working days and holidays until complete healing. 16:00 to 19:00 but there will be no priests present. We will communicate the resumption as soon as we have the opportunity again. Thank you all “.

Quarantined class in Monterotondo

From Rome to his province, Monterotondo is also dealing with a case of a high school student with a positive coronavirus with a class from the Instituto Espazia Integral in quarantine. “The health protocols provided by the Ministry of Education have already been activated by the School – reassures Sindavo Varone – which, in accordance with the ASL Rm5, told the whole class to stay home and advised interested families, asking also monitor any symptoms of children. “

The Covid Free flight model on the BBC

“Tickets, passport and compolsuring negative test result. Welcome aboard the first Covid free flight in Europe! “This is the reassuring message with which the BBC announced yesterday the departure of the first Covid Free flights from Fiumicino airport. An experiment, first in Europe, to make air transport safe and allow the sector to recover . The initiative began for two flights on the Rome-Milan section with the collaboration of the Lazio Region, AdR and Alitalia. Could the new Covid Free flights from Italy and their tests at the airport be the way to avoid mass quarantine Britain and others and attract passengers on board? This is the question of the journalist Mark Lowen who signed the BBC report. Italy and Lazio are ready to pave the way to a safe sky without pandemics. “

Rapid antigen tests

Yesterday the technical table of the Regional Health Directorate took place, in which the document related to the rapid test for the identification of the SARS CoV-2 virus antigen was examined. Following the table, a directive will be issued to proceed with the qualification for rapid antigenic testing of private health establishments authorized to operate for laboratory diagnosis with specialized sectors in microbiology, virology and immunology in strict compliance with containment procedures. correct use of dpi, and in the guarantee of separate paths, on the model of what already happens with serological tests

The methods will be indicated in the document, which are those validated by the Lazzaro Spallanzani National Institute of Infectious Diseases and which are being used at the Airports of Rome. A controlled reference rate will also be indicated (13.94 euros) that must be exposed to the public with the commitment to take note of it. If the test is positive, the molecular swab should be performed in the regional drive-ins, which refer to the Coronet regional network validated by the Spallanzani Institute, equipped with a positive report for the antigen test, a health card and a dematerialized prescription.

As is already the case today with serological tests during the acceptance phase for the laboratory examination, the structure must enter the individual identification into its system and provide credentials for the withdrawal of the report online. In case of a positive test result, it is mandatory to contact your GP and the local health authority of the local health authority to perform the molecular swab.

“This possibility arose today thanks to the validation of the test by the Spallanzani Institute and the massive activity carried out at the airports of Rome, the port of Civitavecchia and in the numerous regional drive-ins. This methodology – comments the Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato – will allow the network of detection tests to be expanded, allowing them to go to the private facilities enabled at the user’s expense. All drive-in and Coronet network activities, both for rapid antigen testing and molecular swabs, remain free of charge and therefore run by the Regional Health Service. In addition, the tender is being completed together with the Veneto region to purchase one million rapid antigenic tests to be used in screening activities, especially in schools. ”

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Article updated at 5:45 pm on September 17.
