Sicily, the promise of Musumeci and Armao: 2,600 stabilized temporary workers for the Covid emergency


This time they will have to deal with the Covid emergency. The umpteenth promise of stabilization of the Pip, the 2,600 precarious workers of “Palermo Emergency”, is linked to the fight against the coronavirus: at this morning’s summit with the unions, the president of the Region Nello Musumeci, the regional councilor for the Economy Gaetano Armao and the general director of the Department of Labor, Giovanni Bologna, presented Filcams-Cgil, Fisascat-Cisl, Uiltucs-Uil, Confintesa, Ugl, Asud and Cisal a draft that provides for stabilization with state law.

The idea is to merge the proposal in the State-Regions agreement that will reach the Chambers in the coming weeks: “The Sicilian Region – read the draft delivered to the unions – is authorized to establish a special role in the exhaustion of one of its companies for the transit of personnel related to the Palermo Emergency basin, currently used in public administrations, and to meet the need for human resources to counteract the effects of Covid19 ”.

The hypothesis is again the transit in Resais. A hypothesis that just a month ago the Constitutional Court declared illegitimate, rejecting article 64 of the 2018 Regional Budget, which provided for “the transit of the designated subjects with permanent or partial contracts in the Resais.” The amendment does not result in costs for the State and, according to the report presented by the Region to the unions, thus allows solving the problem raised by the Council.
