Newsletter Infections and deaths from coronavirus in Milan and Lombardy Thursday, September 17, 2020


Another day of fighting the coronavirus. Many swabs were done in the 24 hours before Thursday, September 17, 2020, so there is a large increase in new positives: +281 for 21 thousand tests (1.29%). Unfortunately, hospital admissions continue to rise: +2 people in intensive care and +8 less seriously hospitalized. +130 are the healed people. In Milan there are +87 infections (+42 in the city). In the whole region, 0 cases only in Mantua.

Only one death was recorded in the last 24 hours.


Work from home in case of lockdown

The Councilor for the Environment and Climate of the Lombardy Region, Raffaele Cattaneo, during the ‘Air Table’ which was held in videoconference and which was attended by representatives of the Municipalities and Provinces affected by the limitations on the circulation of polluting vehicles and associations category, spoke of actions to combat smog decided by Lombardy. “The decision – he explained in the last hours – was taken by the Po Basin Regions in July, as a result of the assessments that arose from the effects caused by the health emergency: the reduction of total emissions compared to ordinary emissions by the closure, the persistence of the state of emergency until October 15, economic uncertainty, the limitations linked to the use of local transport and the persistence of smartworking. In addition, the Regional Council declared itself in favor of this postponement with resolution 1022 of 21 April 2020 “. “In Lombardy Move-In is working. The kilometric derogation it contains represents an effective alternative to the total block. Lombardy – he continued illustrating – has also made this technology available to other regions and municipalities that are interested in managing exemptions from ” within the ZTL the membership data one year after the start of the project – the total number of members is of 14 thousand vehicles, 79% of which are Euro 3 diesel, 14% Euro 2 diesel and the remaining 7% divided between Euro 1 diesel, Euro 0 gasoline and diesel. “With the introduction of the Euro 4 diesel vehicle limitation and Euro 1 gasoline, the corresponding exemptions of kilometers will be identified, taking into account a global budget for the reduction of estimated emissions.

In parallel – added the commissioner – the temporary measures will be updated in the event of episodes of accumulation of pollutants, the COVID-19 emergency has also forced us to consider environmental sustainability and has led us to evaluate the inclusion of smartworking as a measure in addition to Therefore, incentives will be introduced – for the replacement of the most polluting biomass heating systems with an additional regional contribution to what is already foreseen by the Thermal Account (which recognizes a contribution up to 65%) up to a maximum of 90% We have An experiment has been launched with the province of Mantua, which in fact may represent a test for a possible extension to the whole region, in case the citizens show that they appreciate this initiative, which goes in the direction of promoting freely chosen virtuous behaviors . “.

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