Urinating in the time of the Coronavirus can become a Fantozzian company. Irritating misfortune for a future mother, in the second month of pregnancy, who, due to the anti-Covid protocols – evidently applied to the letter – on Tuesday morning, at the Verona tax collection agency, in via Giolfino, was denied access to the internal public toilet.
However, the need was urgent and he couldn’t wait any longer. And so the denial forced the 38-year-old pregnant woman to seek an improvised solution that she would have gladly dispensed with: she squatted in the parking lot in front of the offices, in an area that is also under video surveillance, counting on the complicity from other users who held the door. of the car open to create a minimum of privacy. At the risk of even being fined for acts contrary to public decency.
A “very unpleasant crime”, as defined by GF, which does not intend to pass what has happened to him in silence. «I went to accompany my mother», relates the future mother, «and we had our appointment at 10.35. We were on time but we had three other people in front of us who still had to get in because the offices were late. There the waiting began. After the first 20 minutes I called the intercom and asked to go to the bathroom, but there was no way the door would open and that’s why I had to settle as best I could.
The office in question, moved years ago to a one-way suburban residential street along the railroad line, in which there are no bars or shops, does not allow those outside waiting their turn to use the bathroom. Therefore, forcing those who urgently need the bathroom to seek alternative solutions. In fact, due to Covid, as a sign at the entrance warns, it can only be entered by appointment. Everyone, therefore, waits for their turn outside, where there are no chairs or shelters from the sun or bad weather. And where the bathroom naturally lacks.
This is the ugly discovery that Bovolone resident GF made at his expense on Tuesday. “What happened to me,” the 38-year-old confesses, “is really unpleasant. I only asked to go to the bathroom and they denied me and I had to do it in front of everyone. When I left I met some traffic police officers and I told them what had just happened to me. The patrol responded that they now had no choice but to file a complaint. If I had called the central they would have intervened immediately to see what was happening.
The woman is not at all willing to close the problem here: “I tried to protest the assistant who answered the intercom but did not receive a convincing answer. So I tried to call, but the switchboard is managed by a robotic voice and there is no way to let an employee pass “.” We regret the shameful situation in which the lady found herself, “declares the press office of the Collection Area, “but We must comply with a rigorous protocol to protect the health of users. “The misunderstanding was mainly due to the fact that the 38-year-old was not registered because the reservation was in her mother’s name. Furthermore, her pregnancy was not obvious and could lead to misunderstandings. ‘ •
Roberto Massagrande