Reggio Calabria is a chaos of schools. Vitrioli and Principe di Piemonte: “We are still waiting for the City Hall classrooms, the desks and the Government teachers. Then it’s impossible “


In much of Italy, schools have already reopened since September 14. The Southern Regions, taking advantage of the electoral appointment of September 20 and 21, have decided to move the start of the school year to next week, in line with the seasonal trend and the start of schools that historically see the students of the Northerners return to classes at the beginning of September and those from the south at the end of the month. So also in Calabria, Ahead Sicily, Apulia, Campania, Sardinia Basilicata me AbruzzoWe will return to class next week, after the elections, between September 22 and 24 depending on the Institutes that will be voting tables and those that will not be used to vote. Unlike the rest of Italy, therefore, in Calabria there is even more time to organize properly with regard to coronavirus infection prevention measures and to restart school safely after the health emergency. Despite six (abundant) months of time to prepare for the best, however, in Reggio Calabria there are many institutes with enormous difficulties due to the deficiencies of the Municipal Administration, who – evidently focused on the electoral campaign – recalled having to find new classrooms only on September 8 (!!!) when publishing a call with September 11 deadline (!!!!!) which has not yet been followed up.

To break the silence was the Director of vitriol me Prince of Piedmont, dott.ssa Maria Morabito. The manager wrote a letter about the restart of the school year addressed to students, teachers, parents and ATA staff, denouncing the impossibility of starting over in these conditions and the obligation to resort to distance education. In her letter, the director denounces the deficiencies of the Municipal Administration in the search for classrooms, and those of the Government in terms of desks, chairs, teachers and personnel necessary for the renewed school needs but never received, despite the announcements in social networks and television.

Dear recipients, the date for the resumption of educational activities of educational institutions at the national level (September 14) and at the regional and local level (September 24) is imminent and the penetrating sensations of the soul of each of us represent a mixture constant between “fear and trembling” that stubbornly stand out in our attempts to have confidence and resistance. Despite the meticulous and accurate examination of the real capacity of the available didactic spaces, the innumerable simulations of proxemics governed by physical distancing, limits of the areas intended for teachers and students, possibly called to the blackboard or stationary in their place or passing through the columns. or rows of desks or two meters from the desk or, again, the infamous features among the “mouth rhymes” of the students, the fundamental combinations of frequent and repeated aeration, differentiation of inputs, outputs, shift planning s plausible and the need to disinfect the hands with alcohol-based detergents (60% alcohol), the preparation of partitions in Plexiglas and parafiato, the reduction of furniture to a minimum, the difficulty of movement and the slavish sanitization before new authorized entrances , checking the temperature with thermo-scanner, the effort to organize school schedules according to the school-related needs of the time of each class, the placement of specific posters, the awkward review of the canteen service, the elephantine integration of school regulatory sources, in-depth training on integrated digital teaching, we are not yet able to definitively organize the much desired and due reboot with only the solutions derived from the existing! As a premise, we decided to invest in clarity and essentiality, identifying priorities in each area of ​​intervention, thinking in a genuinely divergent way beyond stereotypes and attesting to reality.

Our two offices in the historic city center are located, respectively, in a historic building dating from the 1920s – “Principe di Piemonte” – as well as in a building – “D. Vitrioli”
built in the 60s / 70s for which multiple requests for intervention were made for the restoration of the facades and cornices, the elimination of water infiltrations from the ceiling that invalidates the use of some classrooms below, the safety of the emergency stairs showing visible signs of corrosion, etc. Requests that, to date, have not received a response, limiting the usability of existing classrooms and the organization of entry / exit routes. To this must be added that the small size of the classrooms (particularly at the D. Vitrioli school) does not allow accommodating the number of students enrolled in the different classes and, therefore, the need to find additional spaces to organize a teaching. in presence for all students: n. 4 classrooms for the “Principe di Piemonte” kindergarten and n. 10 classrooms for the “Diego Vitrioli” secondary school. In fact, today we receive the news that the work has been entrusted to the companies and that “extraordinary maintenance works” will soon begin in our schools, often attributable to ordinary maintenance that will therefore not change the consistency and consistency in any way. classroom space and the ability to host classes without anticipating duplication. So far an “internal” reorganization has been initiated, which we briefly indicate. In the complex of the Primary School “Principe di Piemonte”, the laboratories and the conference room and the dining room were converted into classrooms, necessary to reposition the 17 existing classrooms, sacrificing the computer and music laboratories on the upper floor and dividing only three classes. In any case, it was possible to plan the activities throughout the morning even though only 27 hours of the basic curriculum was guaranteed. In the nursery school (Principe di Piemonte), considered necessary to reduce the number of students per section, foreseeing the maximum presence of nine / ten children in the same environment with a single teacher, additional classrooms were obtained using the dining room and a classroom not used, but additional space is required. To meet the needs, the local authority was asked to place tension structures in the courtyard and at the same time on 9/15/2020 we were provisionally authorized, limited to the 2020/2021 school year, to use the premises. from the Caserta Park kindergarten located in via Carlo Rosselli where to transfer groups of students. In the central office (D. Vitrioli) the use of the MAGNA CLASSROOM, the COMPUTER LABORATORIES and SCIENCES, the ANDRONES, which have become didactic classrooms prepared to house our students in rotation for the execution of the double shifts of morning and afternoon. monthly indefinitely.

It is clear how much the students of the Diego Vitrioli school are penalized for the lack (until now!) Of finding spaces by the municipal administration. Even the letter sent by our school council to the local authority (published on the school’s website) asking for the annulment of the deeds issued on the subject by the municipal administration and the fair redistribution of municipal buildings, remained without a response. . This request was made necessary as a result of a provision of the Municipality for the assignment to another and only School Institution of the same order and degree much further away from the structures indicated below than its own Institute: these are free and unoccupied spaces present in the complexes neighbors belonging to another comprehensive school in the city (“G. Pascoli” primary school, “G. Galilei” lower secondary school and primary school in the San Giovannello district). For the sake of completeness, it is reported that the Reggio Calabria City Council has published a tender for the search for premises to rent for the primary school and for the first grade school and to be identified within the municipal area (with a deadline of 11 September 2020) – We hope you can take advantage of available real estate with the aforementioned announcement! Our educational institution has also participated, at the national and regional level, in ministerial and peripheral monitoring and surveys and has made specific and innumerable requests regarding the needs of premises, desks, chairs, teaching and non-teaching staff, however we are still waiting ! Therefore, the restart proposals, despite being based on national and regional reference parameters, calibrated on the needs of our community life after the recognition of the Teaching Committee and the pedisseque resolutions of the Institute Council, which are part of the Regulation of the Institute, the Pact of educational co-responsibility between the school and the family, the Anti-COVID-19 Regulation, the Integrated Digital Teaching Regulation (DDI) – since distance education can no longer be considered experimental, but will have to be structural: they will remain a “dead letter” in the absence of effective support from the bodies in charge. We have launched a deeper analysis of the need for technological instrumentation and connectivity and we are working hard and tirelessly for the safeguarding and protection of everyone, users and school personnel, even in the face of the jumble of provisions and guidelines that are incessantly happening. following the official communications of the Ministries of Health and Education, to which we will adhere, as always.

More precise indications will be published on the institutional website in the coming days.

Trusting in the usual collaboration and in the spirit of identity that distinguishes our community life, we ask you to remain by our side in the face of the decisions that we will follow.

Wishing all of us a happy school year, we extend our sincere cordiality.
